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  1. OudeWilg90

    Suggestion for Indian Business Bank Account with non-Indian UBOs?

    I have a small (legitimate) online marketplace-type business, and I want Indian-residents to be able to use it. So I've incorporated an Indian subsidiary thru a local accountant, hired a local part-time director, etc, so that I can use domestic payment processing companies (Razorpay, Paytm...
  2. G

    More capital controls in India to increase demand for offshore accounts from Indians?

    India introducing more capital controls. Should see increased demand for offshore bank accounts and second residencies from Indians...
  3. J

    checkout.com payment gateway doubts

    Hi I want to use Checkout.com on smm panel business. 1) Do they accept Indian registrations? If not, how are Indian panels using the checkout.com payment option? 2) Are they accept SMM business model? I contacted their support team several times and provided all relevant information, but...
  4. ashkoba

    Regulatory possibility of fiat lending from crypto collateral

    Some crypto investors I know have been discussing a startup company whose unique selling proposition was originally to provide short term loans collateralised by longer term cryptocurrency deposits. Their business plan is considered technically, economically and mathematically well-designed but...
  5. Y

    How to cost-effectively setup an Indian subsidiary with a nominal statutory resident director?

    I'm an EU resident with a small internet video-game business incorporated in an EU country. I'm looking to expand to the Indian market, and to accept payments through UPI, PayTM, etc. I understand that to do this I will need to incorporate an Indian subsidiary and setup an Indian bank account...
  6. sandy56

    USA LLC for Indian Resident

    I'm a software dev looking into setting up a USA-based LLC, mostly for tax planning, and wanted to see if you guys could poke some holes into my structure because it looks a little too good to be true. Here's my understanding of such a setup. As of today, Place of Effective Management rules in...
  7. troubled soul

    Crypto is legally recognized in India, with a 30% tax.

    India proposes 30% tax on crypto and NFTs income https://techcrunch.com/2022/01/31/india-proposes-30-tax-on-crypto-and-nfts-income/
  8. a112114

    How to accept payment from India (UPI, PayTM and etc)

    Hello, We have an advertising company in England and we have payments from clients that are based in India, so mostly we've been asked about Paytm, but as I understood we don't exactly have to have paytm, because of UPI. Questions are: Am I understood correctly about UPI? Any Ideas where a UK...
  9. C

    Question How to send more than 250k usd a year from india to abroad

    Hi, A resident individual can transfer money abroad to the limit of USD 2,50,000 per financial year. It comes under the Liberalized Remittance Scheme (LRS) which is set up by the RBI. https://m.rbi.org.in/scripts/FAQView.aspx?Id=115 is it possible to send more than 250k if yes how?
  10. Marc Rich

    Maintaining Assets in India while obtaining second passport

    Hi all. Could someone please shed some light into the following: UAE based with UAE tax residency, Indian Citizenship. Assets in India worth 7 figures (farm land). I know that Indians when they obtain a second passport, they can renounce their Indian Citizenship and receive OCI. Does anyone...
  11. C

    Looking to setup offshore company

    Hello, I am from India. I am looking to open an offshore company in a tax free country. I have foreign clients and I work for them as freelancer from India. My client pays me via bitcoin. I need to pay GST + Income Tax. Now, according to rules, GST is not applicable on export of service. But...