iban bank account online

  1. S

    multi ibans swiss

    HELP I urgently need an account with multiple ibans Swiss that I can open from Italy IMPORTANT
  2. B

    Any suggestion? for a good EMI for me??

    Hey folks, I am still looking for "EMI" crypto-friendly gives you an IBAN to send and receive from your customers with a good prices. I tried Verifo and they are good but the problem is that they don't have SEPA instant transfers and their transfers are very very slow unfortunately. I think...
  3. Personal IBAN account for high volume trading

    Hi there, I'm having a profitable business by exchanging fiat to crypto for customers around the EU but I've stepped into problems with some banks due to high volume trading. First I was trading from my Wirex account during a long time until they blocked my account with 900 eur. inside that I...
  4. Any BANKERA.COM experiences?

    Hi guys ✋, Who had any experiences with BANKERA.COM , good or bad, as i'm looking to open an account there, and from i see, they provide really good seivces, with personal IBAN account they give you, and be able to receive payments from 3rdPartys Unlike Payoneer, and on top of that, is CRYPTO...
  5. S


    Hello, I wondered if anyone knows of there is an EMI or similar service (with IBAN) around that accepts incoming payments in a currency that is not the main currency of your EMI account. E.g. If the currency set to my MisterTango account is EURO, I currently cannot receive payments in USD, SEK...
  6. J

    EUROPAY.CZ. Is it reliable and trustworthy?

    Dear Gurus. Have you ever heard about EUROPAY.CZ. it is based in Czech republic, Is it reliable? trust worthy. Or we could be stuck there with first transfer? Thanks
  7. New EMI - Settlego

    Hi All! I want to introduce a new EMI, Settlego. Website: www.settlego.com Currency: EUR Banking Supplier: Deutsche Kontor Privatbank Rates: MIXED! They seem to be pretty new and their rates vary from literally zero (just charges on currency exchanges) up to 2% inbound for "high risk". They...
  8. Anonymous bank card with personal IBAN account number, QCKCard

    Does someone know about QCKCARD prepaid credit card with online IBAN account they advertise that they open anonymous accounts with a Prepaid Mastercard and your own personal IBAN bank account number to receive money. I never heard of them before bat they look really good and professional it...