
  1. E

    MALTA/DUBAI/HUNGARY/CYPRUS - whats the best play in this scenario?

    hello guys, whats the best thing to do in this scenario. Let`s say there is a person with 6 figures in crypto and want to cash it out (get it legal in a bankaccount) with the lowest tax possible without moving out of europe (worst case is dubai lol ). There is no hestitation to go and live...
  2. Help Needed: Best Country to Establish a Company

    Hello! I'm a Hungarian tax resident and the sole owner of a Hungarian KFT (Design & IT services). Due to some clients' preferences (GB, NL), I need to establish a company in a more "prestigious" country. My question is: which country would be the best for this purpose? As of 2024, the Double...
  3. A

    Want to register Hungary/Bulgaria/Czech republic/Madeira company

    Looking to buy or register new company in one of such jurisdictions: -Hungary -Slovakia -Czech Republic -Madeira -Bulgaria All process need to be done remotely. Don’t need bank account, will work with EMI.
  4. WANT TO BUY Old Hungarian companies or other European companies

    Good afternoon everyone! Maybe someone could share the contacts of registrars who sell ready-made Hungarian companies (Slovakia, Lithuania, Estonia are also suitable). The main problem is that there is no opportunity to come to the country of registration and the process can only be solved remotely.
  5. Company formation in Hungary

    Good afternoon everyone! Faced with the need to register a company in Hungary, without necessarily arriving at the place. Who had such an experience and maybe someone could share information about the registration process and contacts of people who helped in this process?
  6. Please help! US LLC vs Canadian LLP for a Hungarian tax resident?

    I think as I'm getting into the topic of tax optimization I'm evaluating my situation here in Hungary, which is not too bad. My case: I can't move for the next 4-5 years, I'm currently self-employed with an annual income of 200k-220k USD and 300k in savings, I offer consulting services...
  7. Question How to Reduce my Tax Liabilities? Recommended setups

    Hello everyone! I’m currently self-employed with Hungarian citizenship offering remote consulting service. Working long term with a US based partner for ~100k USD per year and also dealing with about 70k USD/yr of crypto that I get paid from an EU partner. These are not large amounts so I...
  8. Question Best visegrad country for online business? (Hungary, Poland, Czechia and Slovakia)

    Hi, I've got plenty of friends pestering me daily with questions like this. Some did the best thing and left EU, but many others like French, Italians and Spanish want to relocate away from their tax hellholes without going too far away from their home country. So that they can fly back easily...
  9. Russia to build two nuclear reactors in Hungary

    I thought EU was supposed to have a united Seems like Hungary looking after its own interests. ----- quote start Russian nuclear power giant Rosatom will begin constructing two new nuclear reactors in Hungary in the coming weeks...
  10. Want to minimise my tax liabilities

    I got a remote job in the US, as a Hungarian citizen what are my tax minimisation options? Probably the best option would be to change residence, but is it worth the effort and initial costs for about 72,000 USD per year from that US company + ~48,000 USD / year from another individual (payed in...
  11. G

    Experience with running a company in Hungary?

    Ok, so I'm in Hungary, got a Hungarian company. So far my impression is that the country loves bureaucracy and nothing is simple. You have 3 different ID cards, Registration card, Address card, Tax card, and probably some more that I haven't encountered so far. They take weeks to arrive and...
  12. G

    Hungary - good incorporation services?

    Anyone knows any solid incorporation service provider in Hungary? So far what I've found has been terrible, both in terms of quality and price. I've searched both in English and Hungarian.
  13. G

    Hungary taxation changes in 2022 New option for reducing the tax base of your company Starting from 2022, you will be able to reduce the tax base of your...
  14. O

    Question INTRODUCTION - bank account opening

    Hello everybody! I'm new here, so I decided to say “Hi” and how I can be useful :) I have a substantial experience in financial consulting industry, especially in: - Company formation and corporate support in EU countries; - Bank introductions for EU/CIS region clients: • business...
  15. EU Commission is bashing 6 EU countries for aggressive tax planning regimes...

    There we go, latest package of boring over-bloated BS from EU commission is out. The resume is here: You can find specific details on each country report here: 2020 European Semester: Country...
  16. Gawker Offshore Corporate Structure: Your opinion

    Hi, was reading this article the other day A Beautiful Way To "Legally" Avoid Paying Taxes And A Legal Settlement | Financial Samurai From my experience that the most "offshore" you are the less your solutions last and it most difficult it is to reach your target market. Besides you have...