
  1. S

    Hong Kong bank account for a company

    I'm looking to open a bank account for a Hong Kong company and wondering what the process is. I'm ok with traveling to Hong Kong if it helps and it's possible. Can anyone recommend some banks or services please? Thanks
  2. S

    Recruitment Company. Non-resident HK formation? Based in Thailand

    Hi, Currently I'm a newly opened UK recruitment company and looking to incorporate in HK on some advice that it's better for tax. I don't live in the UK and not really a fan of paying taxes there. I also can't get a bank account without living there. Usually I'm based in Thailand, although...
  3. Banks that accepts Hong Kong company without the need to travel?

    Hello, We are an e-Commerce company and are looking for banks that accepts Hong Kong companies without the need to travel. We don't mind travelling but due to current situation it's best to find another solution. We are looking for proper brick and mortar bank, not EMIs. We are open to all...
  4. Wyoming / Delaware LLC from Hong Kong

    Hello, I'm a Hong Kong resident with European passport looking for creating an LLC in US. I wont target US or Hong Kong customers, mainly EU and Mainland China. The business is IT consultancy and I can create a Transferwise with the LLC but my concerns are: - Do the US tax authorities report to...
  5. N

    Con-Kong reality

    I found survey conducted by an institute. https://www.hkics.org.hk/media/publication/attachment/PUBLICATION_A_2384_HKICS_Bank_Account_Opening_Survey_report_.pdf Check this out.

    Hello Everyone, One of my client is UK Non domiciled, and has a company in Hong Kong. He use Nominee director and Shareolder for that company. He is the UBO. He does consulting for E-commerce companies when he travels outside the UK in order to manage the company when he is outside the UK...
  7. Better company registration provider in Hong Kong

    Hey guys, Am planning to open an offshore business there in Hong Kong. I did some research and chit chats with some of the service providers, like Home , Hong Kong Statutory Auditing Arrangement | Bridges HK , etc. Which service provider would you suggest as the best? I found that the...