hong kong company setup

  1. Issue invoice to hong kong based company, how to solve?

    I consider to setup a Hong Kong company for my business, 1 it's easy to setup total anonymous, found my way through the mentor group finally, 2 it is far away from all the trouble in the USA nad Europe. Is it that easy just to find a accounting program, generate invoices to my customers and put...
  2. M

    Hong Kong company with bank account

    Dear All, Could you share some companies (webpages) who can help us establish a hong kong based company with a HK bank account ( it is ok that it is neccessary to open the account at HK personally) ? Also it will be really helpful if you share your own personal stories, which one is...
  3. J

    Change agent of a HK compay

    Dear All, the company which established for us a HongKong company not exist anymore. We are seeking for an agent in HK to manage it and renew it? this agent should accept PayPal (Money transfer or Western not accepted)
  4. S

    Incorporate E-Commerce Business in HK for Tax Benefits?

    Hey Everyone! I have incorporated company currently in Slovakia (EU) and sell sporting goods through amazon.com FBA (in USA) and our own website through shopify (USA). All our customers are in USA and so all our payments are going from there. We buy all goods from China. We are getting taxed...
  5. J

    Is HongKong offshore a tax free? Is HongKong a reliable Jurisdiction?

    Dear All, Please advise us more about HongKong off shore. Is it tax free? Is HongKong a reliable Jurisdiction? Do you recommend another Jurisdictions? Because we are seeking for "White off shore" Not like Belize or Seychelles. Your opinion is so important, please share it
  6. D

    Hong Kong company for sale

    Greetings! I recently acquired a hong kong company 5 months ago. And now, I want to sell/transfer it for a cheap price. The company is neat without any transactions or bank account. So you can start with any business of choice. I have the complete documents and the company has nominee service...
  7. Singapore or Hong Kong for business in China?

    What is the best country to incorporate my business when I want to start doing some import / export business in China? I will be visiting China very soon to find dealers for the electronic products I want to sell and buy.
  8. hong kong company setup

    Hong Kong company setup who is the registered agent in HK that is to be used for such an setup please? I have been surfing around the Internet to find reliable agency services for HK company formation but it's overwhelming as you may already know. There are hundreds doing the job and the price...