high risk merchant account processing

  1. A

    Need some guidance regarding high risk payment processor.

    If you have an LLC in the US but you are an EU resident, will it be easier to find a payment processing company in the US or the EU? After doing some anecdotal research, I've seen many asking where you're based and that your residency matters. I've never seen anyone explain why. I live in the...
  2. Payment Gateway For A Prize Competition Business

    I'm a frequent visitor of this community which is undeniable very useful. Our company is incorporated in the UK and we offer skill-based prize competitions (startup). We are currently having a very hard time getting accepted by a payment gateway provider. So far, our applications have been...
  3. P

    Best (startup) ecommerce bank setup

    Hi guys, First of all, a warm thank you to all of the contributors and active members of this forum. I’ve learned valuable things while searching around in the forums. I have an ecommerce website where I sell digital goods. Average monthly turnover of restarting the activity will go around 2 to...
  4. J

    EMI or bank account for High risk industry

    Dear All, Any recommendation to open a bank account or get IBAN in order to receive payment for high risk industry? Thank you
  5. J

    Need banking account in Bermuda

    Dear All, Any suggestion how to open a corporate bank account in Bermuda? Thank you