
  1. Where to open an bank account for a HK company ?

    I want to setup a new HK company for my business. I live in the EU but read it's possible to avoid huge taxes if I setup a HK company and don't be a owner or manager of the company. But where do I bank, what bank will open an account for an foreign owned Hong Kong company? Best would be to have...
  2. B

    Gibraltar company

    Hello, Any recommendations for a fast, reliable , cheap company formation agent for a Gibraltar company?
  3. T

    Spanish Resident setting up a Cyprus Company

    Hi everyone. Would love to get feedback on the setup I planned. My wife and I are EU citizens, just moved to Spain (Andalucia) from another EU country. My wife works full-time and is eligible for the Beckham Law exemption. We have kids at school here – can't do nomad. We know Spain is not the...
  4. L

    I need a UK company formation agent or Someone that accepts BTC for non-resident

    I am trying to setup a UK company with Transfer-wise but my local card keeps getting declined on most of the websites like 1stformations etc. Is there any website i can use that accept crypto payment or is there a way to get a UK VCC and fund with BTC. Thanks
  5. K

    Please help - Setup of Forex Brokerage in South Africa

    Hi All, I am fairly new to this and any help would be greatly appreciated, I would like to apologize beforehand as i am asking for help on my first post. Background: I am setting up an FX brokerage on South Africa with a few Shareholders, with my steak being 51%. The trading company is set up...
  6. O

    What are the best providers and jurisdictions to setup a private investment firm?

    My main aims are: -No(or low) tax. -Easy to do business. -Relatively low setup costs. Anonymity is not too big a factor for me. Thank you for your advice.
  7. E

    Any trustworthy list of Offshore Company & bank service providers?

    Hi, new here and don't know if there's already an open thread regarding this, but I didn't find any specific. So to my question, I'would like to open an offshore company and bank acc, but with so many service providers being entitled as scams I don't know where to go. I've seen some people here...
  8. N

    Seychelles company formation for crypto business

    Hi, Can you guys recommend a service which opens Seychelles IBC and which is a) trustworthy and b) opens companies for blockchain business? Some company formation services don't open Seychelles companies when they hear that the business is crypto/blockchain related.
  9. Hedge Fund Formation

    Hello there, I'm Mickey and I'm new on board. Since 2012 I was active on TalkGold and now I'm very happy to be here to find some knowledge by professionals. Now to my company: I plan to setup a Hedge Fund. In order to save capital gain tax the company have to be in a offshore jurisdiction. Now...
  10. J

    Which is the best setup for a professional bettor?

    Hi,i am a professional bettor and I need help.I don't know which is the best jurisdiction for company formation.
  11. Company incorporation in Vanuatu

    Hi Everyone. I have a problem, we in our company are considering to go offshore, because of some tax issues in our country. However, we are not sure what country to choose, what are the procedures and how can we even start. Maybe someone can advise what steps do we need to take and what needs...