
  1. D

    Chinese Payment Companies

    Following a recent discussion of Chinese payment companies, I wanted to start with a short introduction. Some may have come across the list of Payment Service Providers participating in Amazon's program with the same name...
  2. Relaible Algorithmic Trading in Forex

    Hello everyone! My name is Tom and I represent MetaHedge Fund. For over 15 years, we have been trading on financial markets manually (forex, stock market), as a result of which we transferred our experience to trading algorithms - that is, we automated the trading system, which has proven...
  3. Q

    Looking for a Partner in Forex Business

    Hello mates, I am looking for a partner, having or knowing a forex trading community to partner with. I cannot disclose much information here, but the business is not on the trading side, but instead on the house (broker) side. Please let me know if you are interested.
  4. B

    Prop Firms, EA's and Trading Gurus (Looking for Experienced Traders in FOREX - STCOKS - Commodities)

    Hello, it's been a While I hope Y'all doing Well. the forum Changed quite a Lot since the Last Time I checked, I like it. Today, I would like to talk about a Field that I am absolutely Passionate about, and this is Trading. I've been Trading and investing since 5 years Now. I went Through a...
  5. F

    Unregulated offshore crypto FX broker

    I'm thinking about setting up unregulated fx brokerage offshore. brief - I pass orders onto other fx brokers programmatically but taking my own fee in the process. Everything is done in crypto no kyc. I built this solution myself over few years. I recently read that being Brit...
  6. B

    Card Processor for Forex Business (Broker)

    Hello there, This is my honor to join Mentor Group Gold at this forum and would look forward to help others as far as I can with my experience in different fields. Right now, I'm looking for a card processor which accepts both VISA and Mastercard for a legit offshore registed Forex business...
  7. M

    UAE currency conversion EUR/USD

    Does anyone know any fintech service providers with competitive rates for currency conversion from USD to EUR and vice versa in UAE? This is for business banking.
  8. E

    Best Jurisdiction for An Offshore Investment Fund

    I have been running an unincorporated fund for over two years. -We traded large volumes of Fx at institutional brokers with MAM accounts. -My clients are globally based. Mainly in the EU, South East Asia and Aus region -We are slowly exploring crypto trading. We've tried trading at Binance...
  9. S

    Bank Account for Gibraltar Company (Trading)

    I am currently looking to setup a bank account for a company I have incorporated in Gibraltar. I am a trader and trade a whole bunch of different markets including futures, crypto and currencies. I'm wondering if anyone who is in the same field as myself has had any success in opening an...
  10. C

    I'm looking to buy CPA leads , GEO ITALY AND NORWAY

    Hey there , Can you guy's help me with any trustful source for FOREX/ CRYPTO CPA leads ?
  11. Question Crypto > broker > banks

    Hello. I need to cash out from crypto exchanges as effortlessly as possible, on a periodic basis, without invoking compliance processes that last weeks. I make speculative trades that are difficult to explain to banks (think DeFi/hedging/lending etc.) so I was reading here that perhaps it is...
  12. Trading strategy buy and sell same Price

    Hi guys, i need some hedging strategy that let me open 2 order (buy and sell ) at the exact same Price every time that i want ... Any idea ? Thank you Example : buy 1.1867 sell 1.1867
  13. B

    PSP for unregulated FX broker

    Hi Looking for a PSP that can work with an offshore unregulated FX broker. Main clients are Japanese. Pretty good volume. Please let me know if you have any recommendations.
  14. B

    Banking and EMI for unregulated FX broker.

    Hi Currently running 2 offshore FX brokers (Unregulated), looking for banking or EMI solutions that can support our business. Any recommendations? Happy to hear some PSP recommendations as well. Cheers
  15. N

    Algo CFD/Forex Trading setup in Dubai/Abu Dhabi

    Hi all, I have a working algorithmic strategy based on Forex/Gold CFDs which has been giving me good gains after years of testing. Now I want to utilise the tax-benefits of Dubai or Abu Dhabi to set up a company there instead of my home country (UK). I have a person there as a Dubai...
  16. S


    Hello everyone! Anyone has some good recommendations for EUR and GBP bank accounts (SEPA) that accepts SVG companies in FX activities? All tips welcome! Thanks
  17. F

    opening a LLC to register a forex account with my broker

    hello guys, i will briefly explain my goal-plan: i would like to open a LLC (currently looking with hfoffshore in belize) to after open a new forex account with a broker (maybe hugosway because i know i can register a LLC account). this broker withdraw in BTC so do you guys know any good app...
  18. M

    Structure of forex offshore company

    Hello Guys , hope if you are well , would like to ask concerning the structure of an forex offshore company ! I would like to open an offshore company in Dominica for a forex website , I have no idea concerning offshore and the structure , need to know how to do that ?, and I will open a call...
  19. F

    Trading Tax related issue!

    Hello, i am a citizen of 2 counties, 1 CRS with tax on capital gain and another non CRS with no tax, however i am currently a resident of the CRS country. The plan is not to withdraw my profit from my forex trading account, until i move to the non CRS country and revoke the CRS as my tax base...
  20. Corporate bank account for cashing out bitcoin payments in USD/ EUR for 500k+

    Hi there I work in the forex industry (not crypto) with my own funds. There's a broker that let me trade extremely high and thanks for that I can open bigger positions every day. However, I can only deposit and withdraw via Bitcoin. I don't have problems engaging businesses with the biggest...