
  1. A

    Question US Citizen offshore corporation CFC avoidance

    Hi, first post on here so I apologize if this is in the wrong place. I am a US citizen with multiple online social casino businesses, have been heavily looking into potential offshore solutions for the past months now, and it seems like no matter the structure of your corporations and trusts...
  2. E

    Does Revolut report end of year account balance or turnover according to CRS?

    According to CRS does Revolut EMI report the annual turnover or just the person end of year balance to respective authorities?
  3. E

    CRS and FACTA. Which law governs what information they send to jurisdictions at end of year?

    Since most countries are under OECR AEoI Common Reporting Standard regulation or FACTA there is information they send at end of December every year to respective jurisdictions. So I am interested which law and paragraph governs WHAT KIND OF INFORMATION has to be sent to respective jurisdictions...