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  1. yngmind

    Liability for the CT tax if the company is owned by a trust

    Here is the thing. Imagine you live in the EU and have a US LLC or UK LLP pass-through entity owned by your Cook Islands LLC, which is in the trust and managed by a trustee. You make profits, transfer them to your Cook Islands LLC and keep them there, buy assets on your company name, invest...
  2. yngmind

    Owning assets in the EU through the trust

    Does Cook Islands Trust would protect your assets in the EU from seizure? I don't think so. Tate's assets in the West were seized, and his Bugatti is still in Dubai. His assets outside of the EU, UK, and US are probably fine sitting in the Cook Islands trusts.
  3. marioIT

    EU pushing hard to subdue microstates... Andorra, Monaco and San Marino

    If you can't kill them, then make an offer they cannot refuse. ANDORRA AND SAN MARINO Background On 16 December 2014, the General Affairs Council authorised the opening of negotiations for an Association Agreement with Andorra, Monaco* and San Marino. The Commission took over the...