
  1. e-Money license in Estonia - this guy know the s**t!

    I have been searching for information about the e-Money License from Estonia and how it works, I want to know share capital required, upfront costs and infrastructure requirements. I used Google in my research, and this awesome search engine came up with this guy: I wonder how serious they...
  2. E-Residency: How to best close my estonian OÜ company?

    Hi there, I’m looking for some advice on how to close my estonian OÜ company. The Situation: 1. The business operates in the digital travel-industry. My main job as the sole owner of the company is a combination of sales, customer-support and a lot of programming/design. I’m closing down the...
  3. Open a company in EU market without travel

    Hello, I'm from Argentina and I've been looking for options to open a software company in the EU. My situation is the following: * I sell software as a service to companies mostly in Europe. * Income currently is not big (~1000 USD monthly) but I plan to expand it in the coming year. * I prefer...
  4. here is how to lower the Estonian distributed profit tax from 25% to 5% legally

    Estonia has the E-residency which allows to incorporate a company from home and open a corporate business bank account from home thanks to an EMI. The vast majority of E-residency owners are non resident. So, I have found a way to legally lower distributed tax profit to 5% The distributed...
  5. Estonian company, is a EMI corporate account accepted instead of traditional bank account?

    I remember that some years ago, you had to deposit 2500 euros in a traditional bank account of Estonia when you incorporated an Estonian company through the E-residency system. I wonder if it is still the case or if you can open remotely a Revolut, transferwise, N26 account (EMI) and transfer...
  6. Register Estonian Company with Local Tax Authorities

    Hi, I was told by a tax advisor that if I am a tax resident of Cyprus and open an Estonian company I can then register it with local tax authorities in Cyprus and, that way, if I don't receive a salary and only pay myself through dividends, I wouldn't have to pay income tax or social security...
  7. F

    Discover: Estonian crypto company uses swiss bank account

    Hey folks. Just discovered that nexo .io, crypto loan company registered under Estonian law uses Swiss bank account to accept payments, in particular InCore Bank AG Does anyone hear anything about InCore Bank AG?
  8. B

    Company In Estonia, Residence in Portugal

    Hi all, I am new here :) I am working online as advertising expert and business strategist. I basically can work anywhere. I would love to relocate in Portugal and I was thinking to open an Estonian company since I know the beaureocracy is very limited and profits are not taxed unless...
  9. C

    Opening a bank account in Estonian Bank

    Do you have any recent experiences with opening a bank account for 1. local comapnies 2. Estonian branches of foreign companies 3. foreign companies in Estonian banks ? Should the business ties be evidenced or are there any special requirements to be met for successful opening? If not Estonian...
  10. Where to establish Crypto exchange licensed?

    Hello All! After new regulations in Estonia with their financial authority they require personal visits of UBO/AML officer to meet the regulator. It makes impossible for the companies with "hired" UBO to be registered. Any suggestions where to register LICENSED crypto exchange instead?
  11. Starting up low-capital agency - First steps?

    Hello! I am looking for a decent low-capital tax optimization setup. I am operating a company making a small amount. It is about $1000/month in net profit. The model is quite simple; It has server hosting, and some freelance agents that get paid commission. I am an EU resident, and so are the...
  12. Estonia and getting paid

    I have heard that some people lowered their tax by getting paid using income tax and expenses since it comes prior to profit. For example, I have heard of a German lady who lives under the nonhabitual resident programme in Portugal where she does not pay any income tax. She has an Estonian...
  13. Crypto company Bank account search.

    Hello everyone. I have company in Estonia, got as well Cryptocurrency Exchange Licence. Got KYC and AML company contract too. I cannot get a BANK account anywhere . Estonian LVH - "internal risk policy" - can't get account there MrTango - I don't know if I can trust to put there bigger amount...