emi offshore bank account

  1. What EMI or Bank account can be opened for a Belize corp?

    I know Mistertango is the most popular EMI provider for Belize companies, however, I would like to know what other options we have to open an account either EMI or real offshore bank account? I can travel, I can provide all required documents and Skype call is also OK?
  2. What to do now, Cyprus bank shut down my bank accounts!!

    What to do now! Cyprus bank shut down my accounts for all 3 offshore companies just like that! I have no chance to receive money from my customers as for now which put me in a very bad situation! What EMI would you say is fast and good for me if that is the only option I have?
  3. J

    How EMI works? Can We build business such as luepay??`

    Dear All, We do have clients they are looking to build a competitive EMI . how EMI and other digital IBAN services work? What kind of licenses? which is the best jurisdiction? Thank you
  4. M

    EMIs for US citizens

    Does anyone have a list of EMIs that accept US citizens? I just opened a Leupay account and am looking for some others.
  5. Offshore corp with EMI account still good?

    What you guys think! With all the discussions going on here and about darks, offshore company, offshore banking and EMI accounts I was wondering what the preferred setup is for most of you guys? What is it you are going for EMI, offshore accounts, what jurisdiction for company?