emi account for offshore company

  1. M

    Question Cyprus crypto casino owners: what EMI do you recommend for American non-residents?

    We've reviewed Meet Easy Online Banking For Digital Business | ConnectPay Monthly minimum fees for a corporate account's too high. $750/mo. Our guy told us many EU banks don't want to offer corporate accounts for casinos; the ones that do only do SEPA not SWIFT. We need an EMI in the Eurozone...
  2. FX Solutions - https://fxsolution.eu/

    Have anybody used them? Prices are really high, no licence, even no registration! Any ideas? Scammers? That's what they promise:
  3. D

    Looking for best way to receive money

    Hello guys nice to meet you. This is my case and I hope I could find the best options with your experiences or your knowledge. I'm a digital marketer (doing blackhat) I'm based in Mexico I need to receive international transfers with the following payment methods: SWIFT PAYPAL BITCOIN My...
  4. eWallet solution for a South African company

    Hello! Maybe you could advise. We need an EMI solution for a South African company, Business activity of the company is giving call center services to offshore company’s that hold forex brands. Would be very grateful for your recommendations. Thanks.
  5. G

    Help for new offshore setup (with a tricky part)

    Hello, my clients are mostly in Germany & I need an easygoing setup. I am in the field of Online Marketing and SEO, therefore about 30-50 incoming transactions per month - what combination/setup do you guys recommend in this case: - Offshore Company (Ltd, etc..) with no accounting - remote...
  6. J

    advance cash >>> reliability .

    Dear All, any feedback from real user about advance cash? are they reliable? the user reviews was not optimistic. We are looking for a reliable EMI company.
  7. J

    How EMI works? Can We build business such as luepay??`

    Dear All, We do have clients they are looking to build a competitive EMI . how EMI and other digital IBAN services work? What kind of licenses? which is the best jurisdiction? Thank you
  8. M

    EMIs for US citizens

    Does anyone have a list of EMIs that accept US citizens? I just opened a Leupay account and am looking for some others.
  9. R

    How to be anonymous in regards to offshore formation and EMI?

    Hello guys, I’m new to this forum and would like to get some advice on some problems im facing. So, I’m trying to start an offshore company. The business consist of shipping items to individuals/companies around the world where I will be the middlemen between the customer and the distributor...
  10. Which EMI accept Swift transfer ?

    Hello, One of my client is freelancer based outside europe in a tax heaven country (he also has an address in France) He received last month his first incomes from his customers based in EUROPE on in his N26 bank account. Now, he needs to pay his supplier in ASIA.Unfortunatly his supplier's...
  11. S

    Mistertango account for HK IBC

    Hi, I am not an EU resident and have opened an IBC in HK. Will I be able to open a business account with Mistertango? I went to their website in the registration page they are asking for VAT number. I do not have a VAT number for HK IBC. Any help is appreciated.
  12. What is the best banking option for a Delaware LLC?

    As the titled suggests, I am looking for an easy to setup banking option for my Delaware LLC. AdvCash does not accept U.S. businesses, so that is out. Does anyone have any input or experience with this? Thanks.
  13. M

    Best EMI account to open anonymous account with?

    Please also provide information if you already using them, what you think about their service, how is their support and do they respond to any enquiries at all!