digital nomad

  1. Settle for digital nomad, where would you start?

    The offshroecorptalk forum is full of entrepreneurs, digital nomads, tax advisors and more in the field. Everyday I read the term digital nomads! Latest post I saw is the one: It's easy to post about a 0% tax...
  2. Yet another Digital Nomad from EU

    Hi everybody, first of all: You guys rock. Thanks for all the great content. So, I know, there's quite some content here already regarding Digital Nomads. I read all of it but most of the topics fit to my situation only partly. About myself: - German passport, living in Germany - North...
  3. Several Ideas to Get Tax Residency Without Getting Robbed

    It makes no difference what kind of investment you are trying to make. It also makes no difference what kind of broker you deal with. Unless you pick an unknown name from a third-world country that most people cannot even locate on the map, chances are you will be asked for the country that you...
  4. A

    UAE Visa, bank & ID but Living in UK. Will UAE CRS me?

    I have a UAE visa, bank, phone number and Emirates ID, and have recently returned to the UK to live. I have setup a UK LTD and will get most of my income this way getting paid from my clients. I still do a few odd jobs for people in Dubai and will make about £2-4k a month but it's not always...
  5. Best country for a freelancer / digital nomad post-covid

    Hello all! I've been reading the threads for hours and hours and I just got even more confused. So I thought about adding some recent options I saw in the UAE and explaining my personal case just in case somebody has a similar background and found a solution. I have a pretty common background...
  6. S

    Best UE Company for digital nomad?

    Which is the best place to open a company in UE for having payment gateways? Which type of company?? Requisites: Low fees for mananing it (not opening) Having different gatways options, or at least Stripe You can manage it online EASILY, as I want to do the digital nomad and change my...
  7. I

    UK resident but currently expact - Digital nomad. What to do?

    Good morning everyone. I need advice regarding my current situation. I am a dual citizen - (British & Italian) and I am resident in the UK since 2010. I bought a house in London which legally still shown as my home residence since 2015. Since 2010 I worked as a Digital Designer (all perm...
  8. Digital Nomad / Perpetual Traveller - 0% tax with US LLC

    Hello, next year I'm planning to become a digital nomad for 2 years to make some bank and then settle in a country and buy some property. I'm a single guy currently living in Spain in which the law for being a tax resident and being subject to income tax is the following: - 183 days in the...
  9. Introduction from Paradise

    Hi my name is Derbo, first I want to thank the admins here, I am impressed. What is different here to other forums is the warm help you give to people and the overall caring-feeling I get here in the forum. Well done! This is a fantastic community and I am happy to be a part of it now. I am...