
  1. P

    Banking solution which accepts debit card for funding

    Hi guys, I'm planning to set up a bitcoin trading business. I been going through this forum and it Seemes pretty interesting. I'm a newbie here. I would like to set up a bank account with a bank which can accept payments through debit card. Payment will be originating from my personal account...
  2. D

    Cryptocurrency Banking

    Hi Guys, Really struggling to establish a banking relationship for my Cryptocurrency business. Does anyone have any suggestions on how/with who i can get this banked? I will have large amounts entering/exiting the account. I'm incorporated in the Channel Islands. Thanks in advance.
  3. P

    Where to incorporate and open a bank account?

    Hello everyone! I'm a full-time crypto trader with a team, some solid connections, and capital to invest. I already have some clients lined up for this business. We want to offer a service where we purchase any amount of any of the top 10 volume cryptocurrency coins. The website will be very...
  4. CryptoCurrency soon supersede real money?

    I was thinking about all these services offering to convert your BitCoin (Crypto currency) to real Money. Like CuBits that let you even process BTC and convert them immediately to EUR, USD and GBP. Are we soon so far that people that don't want to take part of all this legal s**t going around...
  5. Do you accept Bitcoins for Mentor Group?

    I'm considering joining the Mentor Group but I've been banned from PayPal. By any chance do you accept cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin?
  6. Important! Read before you post!

    You can advertise any E-Curency or CryptoCurrency in this forum for free, we just ask you to apply to the following guidlines: The business description must be minimum 300 words You should include at least 1 picture Max 1 link to your website / service is allowed You may want to use a...