crypto payment gateway

  1. Question - crypto payment gateway?

    I’ve just discovered, a crypto payment gateway with no KYC requirements that deposits coins directly into your wallet, such as a Ledger. Below, you can see a screenshot. How safe is it to connect this crypto gateway to my Ledger wallet? The advantage is that they can’t freeze any...
  2. D

    Question SpectroCoin > Transferwise?

    Hello, This is my First Post in this awesome forum :D After couple days research is my conclusion valid: For e-Residency Estonian company that wants to offer Crypto Payments to the customers and has Transferwise account is this the best option: 1. Customer comes to the website 2. Pays with...
  3. Top 10 Most Reputable Crypto Payment Gateways & A Few Alternatives

    The cryptocurrency market has exploded over the past years. The speed of this market is incredibly high, making the less experienced struggling to keep up with it. There are over 13,000 different types of cryptocurrencies out there, while the overall market capitalization exceeds $200B. Market...
  4. What is the hole and true story about people flee from Coinbase?

    I read small pieces here and there that Coinbase is going to report their customers to the tax offices around the globe, starting the 31 of January 2021 . So far so good, but I don't know why people leave coinbase for this reason and what the entire story is, someone able to explain that to me?
  5. What are the crypto payment gateways like coinbase commerce?

    I would like to know if someone know other crypto payment gateways like CoinBase Commerce and BitPay. Maybe some that is offering more coins.