crypto currency exchange

  1. The biggest problem facing bitcoin exchanges has nothing to do with price

    If you are wondering what the hell is going on in Cryptoland you want to have a nice read at the below link: The biggest problem facing bitcoin exchanges has nothing to do with price It actually sum it all nicely up and also explain why you want to HOLD your crypto currency for a while to...
  2. D

    USD withdrawal/deposit to Forex/Crypto exchanges via Cyprus bank

    Hi! First of all, thumbs up for fantastic forum! I did a lot of reading in past few days, but could not get straight answer for setup I am considering. I am trading on Forex and Crypto currency exchanges and need a way to transfer USD from one exchange and deposit to another. At the moment I...
  3. Similar service to just funding from extern wallet!

    Hello, I'm looking badlyt for a service provider similar to revolut, read more here - Reviews - Discussion and personal experience! just where it is possible to transfer say bitcoins to this service and exchange it to euro / FIAT and then transfer the money to another bank account...