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crypto cashout

  1. C

    Crypto cashout in Germany, 0% tax,

    Hello everyone, I’m looking to cash out crypto in Germany, after holding for more than 1 year. I’d like to pay 0% taxes. About me: ***Private EU citizen, I have a friend who owns a house in Germany (he is not German, but he's a EU citizen). Can I receive tax residence if I rent my friend's...
  2. ActionMan

    AMA (Ask Me Anything): Navigating the Evolving Banking Landscape in Andorra

    Hello everyone! I'm here to host an AMA session about the dynamic and evolving banking landscape in Andorra (inspired by the post @sinos made earlier). With my experience in opening and managing a bank account in Andorra, particularly with Andbank, and navigating the mid-six-figure transactions...
  3. M

    Need help - Offshore Bank or EMI for a crypto startup

    Hi , I need your support and guidance in opening an account in an offshore bank or EMI for a crypto startup. The company is registered in Seychelles.
  4. K

    There is no EMI or bank that really supports crypto P2P - All Lies

    This is going to be my first post here, go easy on me. So, to start of the short story i am based between the UK/Dubai like a lot of people on this forum i have been indulging in P2P crypto trading for the purpose of making profits. i usually last a week till one of my bank accounts get frozen...
  5. MiddleEuroAsia

    Thailand axes planned 15% cryptocurrency tax - financial times

    https://www.ft.com/content/df0dde72-5d2e-42cd-9792-de4d02b25b73?FTCamp=engage/CAPI/app/Channel_Refinitiv//B2B ---------quote------------ Thailand has scrapped plans to impose a 15 per cent withholding tax on crypto transactions after facing pushback from traders in one of south-east Asia’s...
  6. F

    Bank to exchange crypto from our farm

    Dear Experts, We do have a farm to mining bitcoin. however, we rely on big exchange to exchange bitcoin to cover farm running cost. However, is there a real physical bank able to do the exchange? not something virtual. Thank you
  7. K


    Hey, so I've been researching how to cash out crypto with 0% and in my situation it does look like the Dubai is best and cheapest way to do it. So, my understanding is that formatting company and getting resident visa should be hassle free. The challenge starts when living in UAE and trying to...
  8. Singa

    any SpectroCoin Experience with High TRX?

    does any1 use SpectroCoin? what's your take? does they freeze accounts? and what about their personal IBAN .. who claimed? thnx

    OTC CARD:A Brief Indepth And Practical Analysis.

    A Brief Indepth And Insight Analysis of An OTC Card... Due to misconceptions, along with erroneous insight. An OTC Card`s primary function, serves as a seamless bridge between a users anonymous crypto to an anonymous Fiat access/cashout regardless of user location/restrictions etc. Due to...