
  1. G

    Germany to tighten COVID rules for travel during fall, winter

    Proposed restrictions: Lauterbach und Buschmann stellen neue Regeln für Corona-Herbst vor – eine Ausnahme wird zur „Kann“-Regel
  2. O

    Where to move to avoid the next pandemic's restrictions?

    Hello guys, I'm in a bit of a pickle with myself: I'm expecting that in the upcoming Autumn all previous covid restrictions will return and will be even harder and stricter. Whether it'll be due to new variants, monkey pox, polio, climate change or whatever reasons the WHO and friends will come...
  3. L

    Company for app income while traveling with reliable banking

    Hi all, I am looking to form a company to hold my app and receive income from the google play store and the apple app store. Monthly income, we will expect > 20k, targeting 100k+. Currently 0 :| still in beta but very enthusiastic users. We plan on traveling over the world (in a boat) so I...
  4. 1

    Are there any countries that did not bend the knee yet?

    Just curious if there's any country in the world that called on this BS and did not bend the knee to the technological communism that is upon on us?
  5. Credit card processor for covid site?

    I have got fingers on 150K COVID masks which I can sell for a few dollars each. Before everyone get the vaccine I plan to make some quick money on these mask's :) Does someone know what would be the best payment processor for such a business? We go with WordPress Woocommerce, a plugin for this...
  6. O

    What countries are free?

    Hello What countries are free? I would like to know which countries/areas didnt have lockdowns, mask and orwell lovers in the world, where I can go to the shop with no mask, no vaccination, etc, the idea is to move there, because I can see there is going to continue and it is gonna get worst...