
  1. Independent Contractor Offshore Setup

    Hello OCT pros, I am in a situation where EU based company offered me a long term 'advisory role' in jurisdiction where my net salary, if getting employed by this company, will get completely devastated by income tax, social security, and other BS. At the same time, I still want to run my...
  2. Student visa to self Employed GERMANY

    Hello Everyone, I am a foreigner living in Germany with student status, I have been doing business online and made some money. But as a student, I should not be doing that as it's considered illegal, the only activity that I am allowed to do is work at McDonald's and get paid hourly! I have...
  3. D

    Best Flag Theory + Bank Account setup for my (affiliate marketing-like) online business?

    Hey everyone, I'm planning to start an affiliate-marketing like online business very soon, and I'd love to get your thoughts on the best way to go about setting it up the right way in a foreign country to either fully avoid paying taxes, or greatly minimize them (especially since it's my first...
  4. A

    Costa Rican citizen using Transferwise - Taxing?

    Hello folks, I'm a Costa Rican citizen living in the country. I'll start receiving a salary from a US-based company under a scheme that I really don't understand. I was thinking of providing them with a Transferwise IBAN to receive the money. Am I subject to taxes in CR? Would TransferWise...
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    Offshore Consulting

    Hi all, I have a few colleagues and friends, mainly from Israel and Russia who have expressed interest in moving some or all of their finances offshore, the vast majority of them are completely clueless as to how to start and have turned to me as I have worked in Hong Kong and have offshore...
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    Offshore & Bank Account for Freelancer

    Hi everyone, This forum is pretty neat, I've read a lot of interesting things and I hope to become a bit less of a noob but although I tried to look, I didn't find the answers I was looking for in here.. Forgive me if it's there and I just missed it :/ So my question is the following: I'm a...