company registration

  1. N

    Where is the lowest price country to setup a service based business for international customers

    Happy holiday everyone I am Canadian living in Hong Kong. I want to setup a consulting business where my clients are international so it doesn't matter where the company is locates. The company should be able to be tax free as there is no business generated from in the country. Ideally, easy...
  2. Liechtenstein Company Formation – Is It Worth Your Time & Money?

    Most people would be unable to locate Liechtenstein on the map, yet those with an entrepreneurial spirit can probably relate to it as one of the safest and most stable jurisdictions in Europe – not a tax haven, though. Liechtenstein is a micro state – a constitutional monarchy – located...
  3. Tax-Free Online Business + Bank Account to get PayPal?

    Hi, I have an online business (selling online services) which I want to register it on a no-tax or low tax juristication BUT the most IMPORTANT thing is a way to get a Bussiness or Premier PayPal account + A credit card gateway like 2checkout to accept money. The business is legal and no need...