company formation

  1. O

    Question INTRODUCTION - bank account opening

    Hello everybody! I'm new here, so I decided to say “Hi” and how I can be useful :) I have a substantial experience in financial consulting industry, especially in: - Company formation and corporate support in EU countries; - Bank introductions for EU/CIS region clients: • business...
  2. F

    Best Setup for an Online Brand

    Hello, I'm in the process of building an online brand to sell to customers globally. I'm looking for the best company setup for this case, as i know from the posts here that every case is different. Been looking recently in BEPS tools and many structures, but i found out that OECD have took...
  3. R

    Question Cyprus Company for Non-EU (?)

    I'm an Australian citizen who has been living in Germany on a self-employed/freelancer visa for the last 5 years. I was planning to incorporate in Cyprus but it seems that it is more difficult than I thought as I'm non-EU. My goal is to find an EU solution that 1) allows me to save on taxes and...
  4. How to get a FOREX License - Best Jurisdictions and structure 2021

    Hello team, We are an unregulated forex broker incorporated in SVG ( operations of the company are in Cyprus with a different company name doing software development for brokers.) and we are looking to restructure and get a license since its becoming more difficult every day to get PSPs and...
  5. O

    Looking for a crypto-exit strategy

    Hello, I am researching what my exit strategies from crypto will be within the next 4-18 months, with portfolio worth $1mm - $2mm. My country is a member of EU (Central Europe) with significant taxation on crypto, I do not want to cash out to fiats here. The CRS and CFC obviously limit my...
  6. Turner Little amazing service!

    Although I have not worked directly with Turner Little, I can say that my customer is really satisfied with the service he received from the company. He had to move his UK LTD from RapidFormation and then they had to make sure that the company came in "good standing again" everything went like...
  7. M

    Should I keep paying my offshore company formation company?

    Hello everyone, I own an offshore LTD company in Gibraltar, that was incorporated with the help of a company that charges annual fees. My question is simple: why should I keep paying them? Because fees are getting higher year by year (this year more than 600£). I file tax return and accounts...
  8. Best Eu ecommerce setup (tax friendly)

    Hi, I think this could be very usefull for many people, so Masters, please take a look. The result vary a lot depending on the ingredients of the receipt, like is nothing special on me, many of you will fit at 100%. (Like there is some consultants and company providers on the forum, is a chance...
  9. P

    HK Company for International Trade and China Gateway

    Greetings to all. I read this forum since 1.0 but stopped when CRS stuff spread the world Great content here by the way!! Now I am launching innovative products to the retail, and sometimes using crowdfunding platforms (kickstarter or indiegogo) They are based in US, so I decided to do not...
  10. S

    Business Start-up Advice

    Hi everyone, glad to be the part of this community. I am in the process of starting an online design and art shop. As a designer, it would be mostly digital downloads and custom design posters. Already have a fulfillment print provider in the UK who is ready to do the print fulfillment. So...
  11. A

    In need of advice for shareholder services

    Hello, gentlemen! A newbie here, at this forum. Would really like to hear your opinions and possible advice regarding my situation. We are a UK IT startup, and we are looking for tax optimization. It’s a legit business selling market data online. The reason we are looking for the shareholder is...
  12. D


    Hello guys I need your advice from your personal knowledge and experience 1. I want to receive Bitcoin payments 2. Here in my country there are 3 treatments A) BTC minering B) Trading C) as payment method I'm a bh affiliate marketer but let's say that ofc I can't show any of that 'substance'...
  13. E

    Offshore Company / Offshore Bank Account / Payment Gateway

    Hello good afternoon, I have some questions that may help me with the commercial part I will start to selling computer licenses through the internet, by e-commerce. I am seeing where it is convenient to open an offshore company (I was thinking of Hong Kong or Seychelles) at the same time...
  14. rent a company

    Has anyone ever tried to rent a company ? I saw 1. 2. Now the second one gives you a debit card so you can withdraw cash and have it as expense and not have any divident so you don't have to pay any tax.. Fees differ based on your needs but if it's legit it would...
  15. O

    What are the best providers and jurisdictions to setup a private investment firm?

    My main aims are: -No(or low) tax. -Easy to do business. -Relatively low setup costs. Anonymity is not too big a factor for me. Thank you for your advice.
  16. C

    Effective strategies for full practical company control without legal connections

    I've just been reading a fascinating thread (27918) in this forum on UBO. This comment is especially interesting to me: 'it's extremely easy in practice to have no legal connection and full practical control of a company.' Who here has knowledge of some effective strategies to have full...
  17. What is the cheapest to setup a GmBH in Germany?

    Guys, I'm considering to move to Germany, Hamburg, Berlin for some time. Today we live in a ultra taxed country which sucks, and we already consulted a tax firm which made the math for us. It looks like we can safe some money each month. However, they charge a furtune to setup a GmBh and I...
  18. B

    Questions about Bank account and Company

    Hello, i came across this forum yesterday. I am looking for reliable providers for 2 colleagues. We need 1x Personal Bank Account and 1x Company with Bank account. Is there a reliable provider? Thanks and best regards Marc
  19. G

    standar package enough for a dropshipping website?

    hi, im intristed in creating an offshore company since im planning to start dropshipping websites, but its so exspensive, is the standar package agents sell for 750usd, enough? do i need like Apostille, and Director & Nominee Service ? were will my mail to my company be sent? can i have my...
  20. Z

    UK company with fake darks?

    Hi, I want some clarifications about creating a UK company with fake darks? any experienced with that? I'm not from The EU or US, I can get fake UK identity: passport, national identity card, utility bill and bank statement This setup is for payment processing purpose, I don't want to create...