
  1. H

    CRS, Offshore Bank, EMI, Pre-Paid, Crypto Summary

    After reading this forum, my conclusion for using non-CRS/ secret payments". Use case: would like to make smaller payments like 400 EUR per month. Receiver has a crypto account and can cash it out easily. I suppose he has KYC for cashing out. He is in a different country. Options 1) Prepaid...
  2. H

    Dubai cash deposit of $1.000,000 in two different bank accounts

    Hello guys. I came to Dubai at the beginning of 2023, so have no bank history here. Iam 24 years old and cashed out 3.5m AED worth of crypto at a local exchange and got the money in cash. To buy a property I deposited a total of 2.9m from March 2023 to August 2023 fully in cash. Daily between...
  3. G

    Best non CRS country for cash deposit

    Hi all, I earn money mostly in cash and am currently looking for a way to deposit this to an offshore bank account while still being able to spend it via online banking/card payments. I am currently looking into starting a Limited Company in Hong Kong as I've heard depositing cash can be done...
  4. S

    How to exchange crypto to cash

    Can somebody point me to how to get cash from crypto directly? I mean p2p, without going through an emi or such. I suppose I would have to find persons with cash, wanting crypto, being in the same place where I am. But how?
  5. Cash Deposit

    Hey, I need help depositing cash into my account any advice ?.
  6. S

    Best EMI for cash withdrawals?

    What’s the best EMI for cash withdrawals? The all allow it but often have ridiculous limits (like Revolut has 200 euros/month) and/or will take 2% of your withdrawal.
  7. I

    Service for crypto to fiat.

    Title. Suggestions are expected and appreciated.
  8. Cash War Gets Real: Here’s The Smart Way to Avoid Civil Forfeiture

    From lost cities of Hong Kong and native villages of Europe to big cities like New York and Washington DC, the love for cash is common everywhere. The idea that people choose to use cash has been embedded in our society for decades. However, over the years, the United States Civil Forfeiture...
  9. C

    need someone from Denmark to cashout btc to my bank.

    Basically, I want to sell some bitcoins eth xmr, whatever coin you like, The req is: You must have a danish bank account So I can get the payments instantly, I am looking to cashout 2-3K $ USD a month, I am not sending anything big upfront before we have build some kind of trust releation...
  10. Western Union cash to bank transfer

    Will they accept your 7000 euro and pay them to any account of your choice? Say I need to send someone in the Netherlands 7000 to his bank account, I only have them in cash and can't go there, would I be able to send them with western union to his bank account?
  11. Have A Dream Of Being a Multimillionaire? Start With These Eight Tips

    When I cracked six figures for the first time, I was merely in my late twenties. However, it still feels like it was yesterday; things happened too fast for me. I still sometimes get goosebumps when I think of what a roller coaster ride it has been for me. During the initial days of my journey...
  12. D

    S... hits the fan in EAST EUROPE

    Greetings! Current situation: EU Citizen - Romania, Nato east flanc, where hot war is about to break ( i think it s a matter of when not if ). Brick and morter with Physical stores business owner ( with stocks - consumer electronics and jewelry, representing 70% of assets ). Current...
  13. Best investment one can make with chances to sell fast later?

    Now that we've seen to run out of cash soon, which's a big problem for me, what do you have to invest in it, if it's not crypto or stocks? I want to invest them in something I can touch such as Gold, Silver and Diamonds, but I already have. I wondered about art but have no knowledge of it at...
  14. Europe will soon have the e-coin, what's your thoughts?

    I have just heard an interview where a number of experts have stated that virtually all European countries are developing an "e-currency" - thus it will be over with tax evasion, black money and everything else cash is used to nowadays . What do you think, is it the end of all the "fun" what...
  15. C

    Cash to Legimate company cashout ?

    Hi. Lets say I have 25K in cash and i want to make it legimate would this work? I open a company/bank acc offshore and start a website that sells virtual items from games like call of duty or similar through my website , The website will just act as a decoy as I will be purchasing virtual...
  16. Question Get physical cash for Bitcoin

    Let's say I have a good amount of Bitcoin to my name. How could I get physical cash for my Bitcoin? Any help would be appreciated.
  17. Convert USDT to Rubles?

    How to convert large sum of USDT into roubles and cash out in russia? any ideas?
  18. CASH IS TRASH - says the Founder of world’s largest hedge fund

    What do you think about cash these days? I know some forum members would suggest storing it, some wouldn't. I have an obvious answer for myself - work it, use it, enjoy it. Because I am not afraid to lose and gain again. Would you rather keep it in under the pillow? <..> If there are...
  19. T

    Best ways to withdraw cash?

    Sorry if this is the wrong place, but here it goes: What would be the best (and cheapest) way to withdraw cash? Let say, from Sepa enabled EU based bank/EMI? Debit cards often have about 2% fee for ATM withdrawals, which is already quite much if you need, let say 5000 euros (whopping 100 euros...
  20. B

    Best Offshore Banks for Cash Deposits?

    Hi, I have been looking for for a good country with a few limitations for cash deposits. Unfortunately I dont see any option in Belize.