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capital gains

  1. Nigital Domad

    Anyone have thoughts on best ways to hedge crypto positions / profits?

    Hello comrades! I hope many of you are finding yourselves with large paper profits during the current cypto bull run. I would like to ask the hive mind: What are some good ways you've found to protect / insure those paper profits? I have found some crypto exchanges which have Options trading...
  2. W

    Best countries for HODLers of crypto (>1yr) to cash out in.....

    I am planning on leaving my high-tax country in the next few months. I am setting up meetings with accountants/lawyers in Portugal and Cyprus. Malaysia and Dubai are also possibilities My thought process so far is the following: I should choose a country that my home country has a tax treaty...
  3. G

    Are capital gains subject to GeSY contributions in Cyprus?

    Dividends of a non-dom individual originating from outside of Cyprus are not subject to the capital gains tax but are subject to GeSY contributions. How about capital gains from disposal of shares not related to real estate in Cyprus? They're not subject to capital gains tax either. But are they...
  4. M

    Countries with step-up cost basis

    In stepping up of the cost basis aka acquisition cost of an asset means, for capital gains purposes, the asset's purchase price is valued on the day of a particular action such as moving to the country rather than the true price at the time of the asset purchase in the past. I would like to know...