
  1. Malta becomes first European country to legalise cannabis for personal use

    Now this is quite progressive - your allowed to grow your own weed even eek¤%&. It follows on from my 2019 thread on Malta and permitting growing of it. ----- quote start Malta is set to become the...
  2. G

    Bank Account for Delaware company in the cannabis Industry

    Dear forum users, we are searching for a bank account for our LLC company that is registered in Delaware, to make it more complex we have a company that is advertising cannabis-related companies like dispensaries, cannabis tour operators as well other cannabis/CBD-related companies. We do not...
  3. F

    WHICH payment provider accepts CBD flowers shops

    We are a swiss based Cannabis producer and sell our flowers globally, everything we do is fully legal and according to the law but there are no providers we know that want to get involved with Cannabis. We heard about Ipaytotal but they look to us like scammers so we look for a good partner...