buy cryptocurrency

  1. Have 200K EURO to invest in crypto, what coin would you place them in?

    I just made a good deal with a customer from this forum, we agreed on a business he bought for 250K euro - now I want to reinvest the 200K in crypto. What coin would you put your money into? For good reason I will not mention the user here unless he is outing himself in this thread ;)
  2. B

    Selling crypto to FIAT (1%-3%), the best ways??

    Hello everyone, If you were a cryptocurrency OTC desk/broker, and you are selling crypto for FIAT at a good rate (1-3%), what methods would you take to get more clients (individuals/companies)? Your opinion/advice will be appreciated.
  3. S

    Deposits in to Cypto Exchange from UAE

    Hi - can anyone help? I am trying to help a friend, he is new to crypto. Wants to buy on exchanges but is UAE resident. He has a problem using his UAE Debit card on Binance. Does anyone know which crypto currency works well for UAE resident? and also fee and reliability wise? Or how can he get...
  4. Question Want to buy Crypto?

    I have found this awesome page How to Buy Bitcoin | CoinMarketCap explaining how to buy crypto and where to buy it. So far so good and I know Coinbase, Kraken and Binance from this list. I also know that they all are very strict to KYC (know your customer) compliance and they will not allow you...