I just made a good deal with a customer from this forum, we agreed on a business he bought for 250K euro - now I want to reinvest the 200K in crypto. What coin would you put your money into?
For good reason I will not mention the user here unless he is outing himself in this thread ;)
Hello everyone,
If you were a cryptocurrency OTC desk/broker, and you are selling crypto for FIAT at a good rate (1-3%), what methods would you take to get more clients (individuals/companies)?
Your opinion/advice will be appreciated.
Hi - can anyone help? I am trying to help a friend, he is new to crypto. Wants to buy on exchanges but is UAE resident.
He has a problem using his UAE Debit card on Binance. Does anyone know which crypto currency works well for UAE resident? and also fee and reliability wise?
Or how can he get...
I have found this awesome page How to Buy Bitcoin | CoinMarketCap explaining how to buy crypto and where to buy it.
So far so good and I know Coinbase, Kraken and Binance from this list. I also know that they all are very strict to KYC (know your customer) compliance and they will not allow you...