banking for trading

  1. L

    Newbie Company setup Inquiry

    Hi, I'm very new at is my initial plan St. Vincent Company setup (holding company) - need banking options US LLC (trading (marketing)) - banking options Wise or ??? Thank you for any thoughts, options, red flags - they're all appreciated!
  2. Y

    Trading friendly EMI with debit card

    Hello everyone, I need an EMI personal account that provides debit card (virtual or physical doesn't matter) for international payments. I'll use this account to deposit and withdraw funds into/from my trading accounts in tdameritrade and ibkr. And to shop online on Amazon etc. I...
  3. E

    Average cost banking in the BVI

    Based on your experience what is the average cost of opening and maintaining a bank account in the British Virgin island, for a standard corporation dealing with cryptocurrency trading and stocks ? Any recommended Banks ? Thanks!
  4. UK Citizen in Italy needing a Offshore Trading structure Prev UAE fze set up.

    Hi, Have been reading many posts around the offshore subject. My requirements were not fully covered or at least not found in a threads I have read so far. Apologies if I have repeated something. I welcome the details to any post which already has the information relevant. Background: UK...