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bank account for cryptocurrency

  1. F

    Banks/EMI for crypto offramp (non-EEA resident)

    Hello, What would you recommend as a bank that I can open remotely with the following requirements: - relatively easy offramp around 200k+ USD (from KRAKEN mostly), not a pain/high fees to move money around - can hold USD in the accounts and access to basic yield - lets me open the account...
  2. H

    Dubai cash deposit of $1.000,000 in two different bank accounts

    Hello guys. I came to Dubai at the beginning of 2023, so have no bank history here. Iam 24 years old and cashed out 3.5m AED worth of crypto at a local exchange and got the money in cash. To buy a property I deposited a total of 2.9m from March 2023 to August 2023 fully in cash. Daily between...
  3. J

    Cashout Crypto with Banks

    Hello everyone, I am new to this forum and looking for information. I'm trying to plan my cashout (7 figures) but I'm encountering several big problems. In particular because of the origin of the funds which I cannot give, as there are none. No judgement here, if Im not wrong! (I'll delete...
  4. A

    How to open a Crypto Company and Bank Account Remotely.

    I have a decent amount of Crypto. I now sit in India and wish to open an account a remote Crypto Company with a bank account. Most service providers I spoke to said banks don't accept Crypto. They said companies require licenses which could cost upwards of 20,000 USD. How do I go about this?
  5. J

    Crypto -> UAE Bank

    Hi Guys, The story short. I recently opened up a company in one of the Freezones. I will use it for my small consultancy company while I travel a bit of the world. I have both business and private banking in UAE. I need to off ramp my crypto somehow in this setup. I know I can use OTC...
  6. B

    Need a bank account with an IBAN to buy Bitcoin

    Hey everyone, I need an account that doesn't necessarily belong to me, but I just need an IBAN to transfer money. With this money I'd like to buy crypto with a card. I can pay very well. I'll transfer something like 3k-4k a month. For those who want more information, ask me questions I am...
  7. I

    Perfect Money?

    I was searching for a banking provider or something similiar that doesn't require KYC, and the only thing I found for a while was Crypto currency, but then after some digging around I found this service called Perfect Money and registered an account with them, and they seem legit imo, bcz they...
  8. phi303

    Banks / EMIs for US LLC to manage personal assets / investments (inc crypto)

    As a non-US resident LLC owner (EU citizen & EU resident), I've been looking at multiple banks to setup an account with online (mainly from this list: US neo-banks List [For Non-Residents LLCs] ) The LLC is purely for personal investment/asset management (including some from crypto). Because...
  9. D

    Opening a company in Europe

    Hello guys, I would like to open a company in europe. The company selling goods internationally. One of the payment methoods will be in crypto. I would like to know, according to personal experience, or even base on knowledge, what are the best countries ( i heard a lot about cyprus and the...
  10. T

    Private bank account opening with ease of KYC and remotely

    Need a private bank account (current or checking account) in a reputable country with trusted bank. My requirements: me residing and citizen of south asian country and bank doesn't support crypto to bank transfers no matter how legally you earned and don't have any bank account right now even...
  11. J

    New crypto business in Mauritius (relocation from Switzerland)

    Hi all I want to open a new company in Mauritius to «relocate» my current crypto company from Switzerland (it’s just getting too expensive). The plan is to get a crypto license from the Mauritius regulator to be able to process clients’ fiat. I’m wondering if there are any pros about making...
  12. A

    Bank for client transactions crypto business

    Hello, I am currently trying to find a solid banking partner for my crypto exchange who can handle client payments (sending/recieving) and I am really having a hard time, since either most of them are very expensive or don´t want to deal with crypto at all (or offer something completely...
  13. B

    help me keep my money safe

    Hello, I was an adult content creator and escort for some time. I have several bank accounts, I pay my taxes and the banks are aware of my work. however, one of them suddenly closed my account where there was at least 200,000 EUR without any notification or explanation. i then started to inquire...
  14. S

    Source of funds for 50btc needed

    Hi to all tax refugees and crypto lovers, I managed to buy some BTC for cash, please advise if someone has a solution to generate “source of funds” for these cash-to-crypto payments? My goal is to have 1-3mln € of fiat on my La Caixa account. - origin of source is clean, however no taxes were...
  15. headspin

    Delaware LLC or similar stable structure for investing

    Hello guys, I have a headache looking for a solution on this and would appreciate if someone can make some light in this matter. I'm Romanian fiscal resident and want to open a company basically for keeping LONG TERM (more than 1 year) investments (stocks, etf's, crypto, art, fractionalized real...
  16. B

    Any reviews about "Satchel" ?

    Hello, I'm still looking for EMI for my company to buy and sell crypto vs FIAT (OTC) and today i heard about "Satchel". Please any reviews? are they good? and crypto-friendly? or any suggestions about better EMI's crypto-friendly with a good prices. Regards,
  17. B

    I hope everyone here to share the list of EMI's (crypto-friendly) they know, heard about or use.

    Hello, I hope everyone here shares information about EMI's (crypto-friendly) they know that have good and reliable prices, not very strict, and very friendly with crypto. I hope everyone will participate. Thanks.
  18. B

    Help with opening a bank account (Crypto-friendly)

    Hello, i am from north Africa and i have a company registered in Lithuania as a crypto exchange ( Like a license because there is no license in Lithuania ). I want to get a bank account in "EU" for my company (The bank or "EMI" should be crypto-friendly). Any suggestions please? I know many...
  19. tdk

    Crypto-friendly bank in Spain to facilitate tax payment?

    (New member. Please let me know if I should post this in some other section of the forum. I have checked other people's posts but could not find a solution to my problem) Hi. Spanish citizen here. THE PROBLEM Years ago, living in the UK, I bought BTC on a personal meeting through...
  20. S

    African Offshore banking or company? for crypto cashout?

    Are any of the jurisdictions in Africa reasonably low tax and easy going with banking for crypto cash out? Kenya, Tanzania, Senegal, Rwanda, Ivory Coast- countries that are relatively stable, and have a stable currency. How do banks look at white European foreigners in these types of...