
  1. M

    UAE (Dubai) EUR or USD linked debit/credit cards

    What options are there to cash out EUR from EUR (or USD) accounts in UAE? I know Citibank is an option, but for corporate accounts they have high requirements. Does anybody have with personal accounts, I know they request Ejari (how often do they request it - is it just during opening?)...
  2. W

    How risky is that setup?

    Hello. That's my first post. I'm fascinated by the info here and I'm willing to pay for the gold membership, but I was wondering if I could get some initial enlightenment. How risky is a setup where: You get paid by a company in the U.S though Bitwage, set to receive 100% in BTC. When you...
  3. T

    How safe are Bitcoin ATMs?

    Hello dear community, How safe is Bitcoin ATM? My trading is generally only in crypto currencies and I have an income of about $50,000 every week from online business. So far I have used ATM crypto-currencies over and over again and have also received $1000 several times. The limit for such...
  4. E

    ATM withdrawal information processing

    If a person who is resident of country X uses a debit card to withdraw large amounts in country X from his or her offshore account, will country X somehow get this info? Let us say the person uses bank ATMs of 3 banks to withdraw this money. These bank ATMs obviously see this information that...
  5. M

    PayPal business + card

    Hi, im not shure it i´m in the correct sub-forum but lets go. Im looking for a way to get a paypal business verified account to receive payments at my website WITHOUT creating a company. What documents will i need to have to verify the account? ID Card? Proof of residence? also link it to a...