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  1. gh0p

    Timing analyses by Law enforcement agencies undermine Tor anonymisation

    I didn't see anyone post or discuss the news about Tor here it is. Quoting ease of read and future preservation. https://blog.torproject.org/tor-is-still-safe/ The reports mentioned are these two links Tor lists [tor-relays] [Important] Update on an upcoming German broadcasting story about...
  2. jakonda

    Anonymous director / new company formation advise

    Hello Pros, I would like to know if it is possible to setup UK ltd. in a way that I can be an anonymous director/shareholder? As per my understanding and experience Companies House records are publicly available and list the the names and shareholdings of all direct shareholders, directors and...
  3. IwishIwasRich

    Question How do I set up a fully anonymous LLC/Holding Co.?

    So, basically I want a fully anonymous company that I can register for online. I don't want anyone else holding my company (or at least not without being sure the company is not gonna get stolen). The company itself will operate as a normal Holding Company/a company Selling online services. I...
  4. jakonda

    Which Payment Processor for Shopify/WooCom? (Want to sell Anonymously)

    TL;DR What's the best payment processor for a shopify/woocommerce web store which allow me to sell my products "anonymously" or at least hide my ID/name, surename and address? I am in a process of setting up two e-comm stores, one will be based on a shopify platform while other one will be...
  5. S

    Offshore company (anonymous owner+low tax+low adm. costs)

    Hello there, Can you help me with advice.. what country do you think is the best place to found a company under these specs: 1) Internet company with online sales of advertising 2) Country should be not too expensive to found and run a company in. (This company starts small, so need small...
  6. Dread Pirate Roberts

    Will PayPal lock my account

    Hello OffshoreCorpTalk I'm planning on creating a PayPal account with fake details with a Visa gift card and receiving 80 payments of $7,000. Will PayPal lock my account for this? I'd also like to know how I could anonymously transfer this money to my bank account.
  7. uplana

    True path to succeed with the anonymous company offshore!

    Guys, you ever wondered why so many people seek their privacy and want to avoid taxes, want to avoid to show up on the dark Internet with all your personal information show up on blogs, stats sites and all this crap? Me too! No no, not metoo movement. No, I wondered for long time ago why people...
  8. JohnLocke

    Total Internet Privacy

    Why all people should consider total Internet privacy when they are doing online! Everything you do on the Internet will stay there in be traceable. The Internet will never forget, vanish or delete your information, your personal history ot what else you left there that can be traced back to...
  9. T

    How to prove the origin of resources with Monero

    I live in South America. I am a citizen here. I have a totally legal website for online services in my country. On the website, I receive for services in common fiat currency. I intend to internationalize my operation taking my company to an Offshore zone. My intention is to get rid of the heavy...
  10. Txaxandlxaxwxyxexr

    How to buy real estate in Europe anonymously?

    Hi, in your opinion which ways you have to buy real estate in Europe anonymously? With a corporate and / or a nominee? a trust? Which country would you choose to incorporate and why? Would be super helpful if you can indicate cons of each solution (likewise ways a gov or other entity could...
  11. I

    I need an anonymous VCC deposit in Bitcoin

    Hello, i am desperately looking for an anonymous virtual credit card issuer , possibly that accepts Bitcoins to reload the card Any help??? thanks
  12. J

    New here - apologies if I sound stupid

    Hi all, I've been trying to absorb all the wisdom from this forum, first off, big thanks to those who are contributing, as someone who is new to all this, this has been groundbreaking! I am based in London, United Kingdom, and this is my situation: I want to create an LTD company in which I...
  13. M

    Offshore company with bank account

    Dear All, I would like to form a company with a following specs: The product is a self made aluminium parts (special parts for diff cartypes). The costumer will be located in the EU , so most of the costumers will pay with paypal in EUR. ( need a bank account) There is no need for import...
  14. H

    How can I protect my assets ?

    Hi, newbie here.Sorry it is long. Currently living a nightmare because I didn't expected this situation bad planning. I have a business which received a penalty from tax bureau (5K for tax errors) and 2 months latere I was 'happified' with 2 more gov. offices for deep control for last...