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Fulton Abraham Sanchez
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  • Hi Fulton - I own a single-member Delaware LLC and am looking for a CPA to help file forms 5472 and 1120 for the LLC as well as my personal income tax returns (1040NR) with the IRS. Can you please PM me to discuss your pricing etc.? Thank you.
    Hello Fulton,

    I hope all is well.

    My buddy and I are from St.Kitts. Quick questions if you can answer here. Both are non-USA residents or citizens. Thinking about opening a Nevada US LLC in conjunction with a Nevis LLC for Real Estate rentals and assets protection in the USA and reduced taxes.
    My two (2) questions are:

    1- Since we don't plan to get an EIN, will we need to report anything to the I-R-S or have a 30% withholding fee?

    2- In my case, would it be better if I just opened a Nevis LLC and owned the real estate in the USA with it?

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