BrainWick Oct 19, 2022 Hey, if you got time, please PM me, got an interesting project in my mind, might be lucrative for you.
Hey, if you got time, please PM me, got an interesting project in my mind, might be lucrative for you.
O O Osiris128 Oct 17, 2022 Hello, I can't figure out how to PM you. I want to talk about what you mentioned in my thread. How can I reach you? Thanks.
Hello, I can't figure out how to PM you. I want to talk about what you mentioned in my thread. How can I reach you? Thanks.
M M Macqo21 Oct 8, 2022 Hey, still have cayman fund for sale? Still working in simillar bussines as my ETF like app?
C C cheeseall Oct 5, 2022 Hey there! I saw in a post where you said you had a good reference for a UK tax advisor - could you PM me about that please? Thanks in advance!
Hey there! I saw in a post where you said you had a good reference for a UK tax advisor - could you PM me about that please? Thanks in advance!
J J Johnfodden Oct 5, 2022 Hi mate do you have a telegram or signal we could chat on, i need advise on tax structure in reference to profit shifting
Hi mate do you have a telegram or signal we could chat on, i need advise on tax structure in reference to profit shifting
C C cryptounions Sep 5, 2022 hi, can i know your telegram id or Skype? i have some question for you about bank. Thanks!
P P Parsifal Aug 30, 2022 Hey! I'd like to ask you about some documents. Can you help and PM me please?
O O OffInvest Aug 29, 2022 Hi there. I am looking for a covid vaccination certificate. I was wondering if you can help. Thanks
T T timeismoneyfriend Aug 26, 2022 Heyo, may I bother you with a DM? You seem to be so experienced with most of the stuff spoken about here. Grazie in anticipo!
Heyo, may I bother you with a DM? You seem to be so experienced with most of the stuff spoken about here. Grazie in anticipo!
S S Snacks Aug 10, 2022 Can you send me your info tg or others? Need someone who knows ins n out bahamas and info for banks/crypto
Can you send me your info tg or others? Need someone who knows ins n out bahamas and info for banks/crypto
S S saintjohnny Jul 15, 2022 Hey there, Dominican citizen here looking for some good contacts who know intl. taxation in DR. Please PM me if possible. Thank you.
Hey there, Dominican citizen here looking for some good contacts who know intl. taxation in DR. Please PM me if possible. Thank you.
E E Enrique123 Jul 4, 2022 Hey there - heartfelt thanks for the time taken to comment on the thread I created. Grateful if you could forward some good local contacts at the Dominican Republic with which I could touch base.
Hey there - heartfelt thanks for the time taken to comment on the thread I created. Grateful if you could forward some good local contacts at the Dominican Republic with which I could touch base.
D D donna4 Jun 4, 2022 Hi, Regarding this post Can you share a contact of that lawyer with me, please? I'm currently having a dispute with one Lithuanian EMI. Thanks in advance.
Hi, Regarding this post Can you share a contact of that lawyer with me, please? I'm currently having a dispute with one Lithuanian EMI. Thanks in advance.
Sir Gelato May 30, 2022 Hi, I'm interested in your Crypto cedefi platform and tokenI would like to know more Thanks
Hi, I'm interested in your Crypto cedefi platform and tokenI would like to know more Thanks
hc99 May 20, 2022 From which country is the vaccine pass? I noticed your reply to Praetorian. Do you have Canadian or US passes available?
From which country is the vaccine pass? I noticed your reply to Praetorian. Do you have Canadian or US passes available?
Jerry56 May 17, 2022 Hi Johnny, I am not sure how to DM you, but I am interested in knowing the cost for 2 passes.