Oh really.
Sure, then you show them proof that you have cut your ties.
Show me the law.
Sure, then you show them proof that you were not in Germany.
You have to be properly gone, obviously, you can't just go on vacation.
Of course they can. They can say you still live in Germany, until you can prove that you do not.
Nonsense. There are countries like
Thailand that only consider you tax resident after 183 days per calendar year in the country.
You can rent an apartment in Thailand and spend 180 days there and if you travel to different countries (not Germany) the rest of the year, you cannot be tax resident in Thailand.
But you also cannot be tax resident in Germany.
Show your rental contract and utility bill to the German tax authorities and proof of your travels (flight tickets, receipts,
credit card statements), and they have no case.
This is perfectly legal and well-established, same in the UK.