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  • V
    void replied to the thread GrapheneOS.
    I don't understand how anyone could go for this... no chance to decide whether it's a honeypot or not
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    void replied to the thread GrapheneOS.
    how about dual eSIM + physical SIM - somebody can confirm it works with no issues?
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    void reacted to 0xDEADBEEF's post in the thread GrapheneOS with Like Like.
    Not a silly question at all. Once you activate a profile, it stays active until you manually close the session. While the session is...
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    void replied to the thread GrapheneOS.
    silly question perhaps as I don't have the experience (yet) but these alternative profiles are not all online, are they? I mean would it...
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    void replied to the thread GrapheneOS.
    this might work with friends and family, perhaps in certain types of business relationship but with this approach you wouldn't survive...
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    void replied to the thread GrapheneOS.
    is to possible to have multiple isolated instances of the same app (not knowing about each other and sharing any common data) and...
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    void reacted to daniels27's post in the thread GrapheneOS with Haha Haha.
    Strange, my phone shows exactly 27 too.
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    void replied to the thread GrapheneOS.
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    void replied to the thread GrapheneOS.
    sadly I cannot live without Whatsapp while traveling as for the rest of the world it represents their interface to the world - I hate it...
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    void replied to the thread GrapheneOS.
    most of the idiotic backing services I'm forced to use require their own app for 2FA - horrible trend but it is what it is
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    void replied to the thread GrapheneOS.
    well... current primary phone is dying, will need a new one, time will be inevitably spent to setup new system, hence an ideal...
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    void replied to the thread GrapheneOS.
    easy to say but what do you suggest? I have 27 banking apps installed at this moment and zero time/motivation to play with each and...
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    void reacted to 0xDEADBEEF's post in the thread GrapheneOS with Like Like.
    Almost 0 drawbacks, especially since you can run your 'evil' apps in a separate profile with Google Play Services enabled. I have not...
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    void reacted to aniglo22's post in the thread GrapheneOS with Like Like.
    Drawbacks are definitely that you are failing Google Play integrity/Safetynet . So you can not use apps , which require more then basic...
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    void replied to the thread GrapheneOS.
    yeah, I'd turn this into a good thing... it's undesirable anyways to depend on a mobile device that can disappear the next moment with...
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    void posted the thread GrapheneOS in Let's talk body.
    How many of you guys actually use GrapheneOS on your primary mobile device? What drawbacks and concessions should one count with when...
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    void replied to the thread Crypto is going down the toilet!.
    this experience or observation of your fails is utterly irrelevant - even if you make only good decision (with positive equity) the...
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    actually it can - it costs you the most precious thing you own - especially when you read about nonsense somebody distracts you with and...
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    void reacted to ActionMan's post in the thread Dominica - objections? with Like Like.
    Sure. European. Former American. Couple of years ago Plan E, because why stop at just Plan B? Plus, it’s a solid bridge to the UK for...
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    void replied to the thread Dominica - objections?.
    mind you share more? like your primary passport (just the region would do of course), when did you do it, motivation, what do you use...