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Recent content by SilverNeo

  1. SilverNeo

    US LLC - Bank crypto friendly

    Depends on what you want for me Verifio is great they do ask a bunch of questions and tons of docs but once I provided those is all good. They will still ask for large transfers but if you can provide an invoice or some sort of proof is good. This is because they have the regulator breading...
  2. SilverNeo

    Exchanges with USD Fiat withdraw

    you should have no problems I have a Saint Kitts and Nevis company with non-EU citizenship and not EU residence, and I had no issues
  3. SilverNeo

    Exchanges with USD Fiat withdraw

    I have had no issues with either Binance or OKX may I ask what is your residence and citizenship and where the company is incorporated if you are doing a corporate account or a personal one?
  4. SilverNeo

    Exchanges with USD Fiat withdraw

    For me is simple Binance (due to my country's law or should I say the way they are interpreting it doesn't allow Fiat) so I use Binance for crypto and if I need fiat I use OKX and I don't like Kraken as they are stupid as in ohh you want to transfer outside confirm that the valet is yours...
  5. SilverNeo

    Exchanges with USD Fiat withdraw

    yea it will do try to open an account for me it was simple took like a week
  6. SilverNeo

    Exchanges with USD Fiat withdraw

    Same as all the other exchanges proof of company source of funds proof of address shareholders and directors
  7. SilverNeo

    Exchanges with USD Fiat withdraw

    OKX works for me jus fine and they offer both USD and Euro.
  8. SilverNeo

    Tower Bank - Bussiness account

    Do they allow crypto as in transfer to and from Binance
  9. SilverNeo

    Tower Bank - Bussiness account

    Yea will take this approach I prefer Grok over chat GPT but the same thing
  10. SilverNeo

    Tower Bank - Bussiness account

    No good Crypto banks unless you have 1M+ and want to pay crazy fees.
  11. SilverNeo

    Tower Bank - Bussiness account

    I tried this the person's English was so terrible that made it very difficult furthermore emails were sent in a mix of Spanish and English as 1 email would be English then the next Spanish depending on the person sending the email. So I would prefer to work with a representative so I can make...
  12. SilverNeo

    Tower Bank - Bussiness account

    Does anyone have a reliable person how can assist with opening an account with tower bank? (for a fee of course) I have 3 EMI but I would like one bank account as well.