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Recent content by polonieth

  1. P

    The Dark Side of Denmark’s Tax System: How Authorities Can Ruin Your Life Without Consequences

    The brainwashing starts virtually at birth. Most kids in these countries are shipped off to "kindergarten" at around 1 year old. That means you're essentially co-parenting with the government, and the wonders of the state are implanted into their impressionable young minds. Plus, most...
  2. P

    Tates Brothers 0% tax "method" finally exposed .

    The content of the early Hustlers University is irrelevant, though. What Tate says in those video ≠ what he does. It's just a message tailored for the audience.
  3. P

    Tates Brothers 0% tax "method" finally exposed .

    I finally got around to watching that video from the Dating Guru, I left thinking there are more red flags with that guy than the Tate's all I see is someone finding a snippet of something, then connecting it to a crime without any real evidence. "Oh Wise flagged it as AML, crime!" Yeah ok...
  4. P

    Fighting for Ukraine – a discussion...

    Why would citizens of neither Russia or Ukraine be willing to fight on the front lines? You'd be the scum of the earth - a mercenary.
  5. P

    Fighting for Ukraine – a discussion...

    From the guy who never answers any questions. Just some rant from someone who lost a debate and now wants to pretend the discussion was beneath them
  6. P

    Fighting for Ukraine – a discussion...

    Good stuff from Professor Diesen: https://rumble.com/embed/v6o1v94/?pub=xzlh7
  7. P

    Fighting for Ukraine – a discussion...

    I'm not sure why people have such a hard time viewing foreign conflicts without advocating blindly for either side; look at the facts on the ground. I suppose if you have a financial stake in the outcome, then I can understand the activism as you shill your bags, but most people have zero skin...
  8. P

    Tates Brothers 0% tax "method" finally exposed .

    Not watched the video yet but there's something inauthentic / inorganic about CoffeeZilla. Cannot warm to him. Informant. Similar story with Lex Friedman, there is no way his growth was organic.
  9. P

    Fighting for Ukraine – a discussion...

    More typical diversion. Wars are not won by rapid territorial changes alone, they are won by attrition, logistics, and sustainability. Russian military doctrine has never been determined by lines on a map or timescales. I think your map also shows the fact that Ukraine has not regained...
  10. P

    Fighting for Ukraine – a discussion...

    Your arguments always seem to misunderstand how US-backed regime change works and confus shifting US policy with a lack of influence. The US doesn’t need to stage another Maidan because it no longer has to. So why perform such mental gymnastics to stick your narrative? Don't you realise that...
  11. P

    Fighting for Ukraine – a discussion...

    Were you in Kiev to get some of the cookies she handed out??
  12. P

    Fighting for Ukraine – a discussion...

    This argument attempts to frame Russia’s actions as unprovoked aggression by selectively choosing dates to fit a pre-determined narrative, so lame. Correct answers: 1. The conflict started when Ukraine attacked Donbas, not when Russia "occupied" it. The actual military invasion of Donbas by...
  13. P

    "get out of EUSSR" says everyone here, but where?

    The Balkans are very safe. I had zero issues in BG.
  14. P

    Which country will Russia invade next?

    Geopolitics has business implications.
  15. P

    Meeting Between Trump and Zelensky

    Can you post a full speech transcript or video where Putin has explicitly threatened the use of nuclear weapons? I have only ever seen Putin’s statements about nuclear weapons to be reactive, in response to Western escalations. After all, Russia's nuclear doctrine states that nuclear weapons...