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Recent content by Piano

  1. Piano

    Arival Bank (Review 2024)

    How long this bank exist ?
  2. Piano

    I tried opening a US business account in 18 EMIs, here's the result

    Only those 7 countries ? Why would be the reason for this ?
  3. Piano

    Mentor Group Gold - AD Thread! High street bank in Spain

    Is this the account you offer ? https://www.bancosantander.es/en/particulares/cuentas-tarjetas/cuentas-corrientes/cuenta-no-residentes
  4. Piano

    IUBank Puerto Rico

    Is IUbank closed ? This is what I see on the home page …
  5. Piano

    Bankera has gone totally crazy

    How long have you been with Zenus ?
  6. Piano

    Multiple Banks Asking Me The Same Question [Urgent]

    Maybe have a chat with a good lawyer..
  7. Piano

    Where to open a No CRS Bank account (Non-Residents) while living in Mexico?

    With which ones you have personal experience ? Well, Arival has FDIC insurance …do you of a bank for personal accounts that offers FDIC insurance in Puerto Rico ?
  8. Piano

    How is BUNQ? Anyone had a frozen account?

    Where you can buy that ?