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Recent content by pesto

  1. pesto

    E-Commerce company structure for minimal tax

    Okay now I get it, sorry.
  2. pesto

    Stripe exceeded the tax threshold

    Typically you ask a tax firm for such advise, they are most often up to date with the rules.
  3. pesto

    what happens with the bank account if the company's status in the company register is "suspended"

    I had several companies which were not renewed and not in good standing, the EMI's didn't noticed this before a few years later.
  4. pesto

    E-Commerce company structure for minimal tax

    So there is no workaround to avoid the CFC rules with nominees any longer with a US LLC ?
  5. pesto

    Can you reliably use Wise for mid 6 figures if you have SoF?

    I'm working with 6 and 7 figures amounts, providing SoF a few times but we have all papers i.e. invoices, bills and so on in place. Never the slightest problem.
  6. pesto

    Offshore Company Merchant recommendations

    You made it really difficult for your self with that company structure. Where do you live? You realize that you get taxed where you live and not where the company is right? If you still want to do it this way, setup a UK LTD first apply for a merchant account with for instant Stripe, 2co...
  7. pesto

    Can you reliably use Wise for mid 6 figures if you have SoF?

    Me too, five years using Wise and Kraken together—honestly, it doesn't get any better. Everything runs super fast, and most EMIs, banks, and crypto exchanges just can't compete with this combo.
  8. pesto

    Relocate to Monaco, how money required?

    @peter taradash enjoying reading your stories. I just have a question that's been on my mind—do you have a wife and kids or any other family, or have you always been a loner your whole life?
  9. pesto

    Renewal of Hong Kong company

    You want to find one of the hundreds of accounting services in HK that will be able to help you with maintaining your company. Best is if you can get your transactions from your EMI out in CSV to transfer them directly into an accounting system.
  10. pesto

    Portugal NHR freelancer + US client

    some interesting threads for you to read https://www.offshorecorptalk.com/threads/getting-portugals-nhr-status-before-its-derogated.42984/ https://www.offshorecorptalk.com/threads/portugals-nhr-survives-for-another-year.43142/
  11. pesto

    Celebrating 2.8M Euros in User Transactions, SCAMS Down 89%, and User Growth Up 500%

    Hope all is going well for OCT the next many years:cool: proud member of OCT
  12. pesto

    How to Secure a Future Pension After Realizing a Lifetime of Missed Investment Opportunities and Debt?

    Can this be setup legally and if you had to put an estimated figure on it, how much does a setup like this would cost?
  13. pesto

    Mentor Group Gold Exclusive - Video Interviews

    add to the list in OP https://www.offshorecorptalk.com/threads/ibccs-tax-gathers-together-a-team-of-tax-planning-advisors.44324/