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Recent content by paterke

  1. paterke

    German resident: moving away but family stays

    Absolutely. I personally know someone who spent almost 2 years in jail for tax fraud. I'm playing by the book (even though, every day I regret moving to Germany). Now I'm in a situation so that I need to move for some time to Italy and I'm trying to figure out the best way to deal with the...
  2. paterke

    German resident: moving away but family stays

    This should be my case then, in that sense my accountant was correct.
  3. paterke

    German resident: moving away but family stays

    Ok, I suspected something like this. Are these new regulations German-specific or EU-specific? Thanks
  4. paterke

    German resident: moving away but family stays

    No, not really, unfortunately, at least not in the immediate future. One more question, since you guys are so patient with me. If I move to Italy and open a company (Srl) and I give myself a salary, the funds that stay in the company should not be taxable from the German taxman, but only from...
  5. paterke

    German resident: moving away but family stays

    I would like to understand more regarding the article 4, cited by @Marzio. Up to which point is one "tax prisoner" in a country? - If I divorce my wife, am I still prisoner? - If I no longer own an apartment, am I still prisoner? - Does having kids in a different country of residence, makes...
  6. paterke

    German resident: moving away but family stays

    I wish I could follow your suggestion. As I mentioned, this is not a tax optimization move but more a family emergency situation, that forces me to move back to Italy. taxation gangbang! > LOL!
  7. paterke

    German resident: moving away but family stays

    Yes, I'm talking about income from self-employment. My plan is to have my own company in Italy (SrL) and invoice my clients from that company. In which regard, Germany is NOT bureaucratic and slow?
  8. paterke

    German resident: moving away but family stays

    One consideration: Italy is not a tax heaven compared to Germany, even though I qualify for the "brain drain" tax break, which, in my specific case, is almost useless.
  9. paterke

    German resident: moving away but family stays

    Hello, I'm an EU citizen resident in Germany (I'm not German). For personal reasons, I want to move out to Germany (back to Italy). In Germany I have a wife and two kids, and I own an apartment. I will be traveling between Germany and Italy, but I will definitively spend more time in Italy (over...