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Recent content by Mayon Solutions

  1. Mayon Solutions

    Hello there, I`ve seen some of your comments on threads regarding the accounts and...

    Hello there, I`ve seen some of your comments on threads regarding the accounts and transactions. If you are interested in the discussion for the cooperation in this field, please let me know.
  2. Mayon Solutions

    EMI or Bank can work comfortably with 5-6 figures.

    There are plenty of banks and EMIs in Europe for such case with 5-6-digit transactions. I would recommend banks in Austria and Germany from our experience, if you manage to convince them to take you on board with your background, as for global import-export field requirements are tough. It...
  3. Mayon Solutions

    Best suited bank for a Seychelle company?

    They do offer a debit card as far as I have had a deal with them. I know some cases when the bank accounts have been opened for IBC companies. However, it takes a lifetime to do so. At the same time, everything is changing so fast now, so even the process of the bank account opening that has...
  4. Mayon Solutions

    Remotely open business bank account in Romania

    I know one trustful lawyer there who can assist with all the matters. Please let me know how can I provide you his contacts.
  5. Mayon Solutions

    Best suited bank for a Seychelle company?

    Al Salam bank Seychelles branch
  6. Mayon Solutions

    Tell me, do I need EE IBAN

    Still, a lot of additional information is required and the case should be properly considered to find a suitable solution. There are a lot of nice people who can assist you with this matter for the fee arranged.
  7. Mayon Solutions

    Best suited bank for a Seychelle company?

    There is an option with one local bank, but the run is going to be more than long, approx. 3-4 months.
  8. Mayon Solutions

    Help with opening a bank account (Crypto-friendly)

    Yes, but the compliance is strict and support is not really supportive. Last time I have contacted the support of Spectrocoin (same for Bankera and Pervesk) and was wondered how unprofessional they are.
  9. Mayon Solutions

    Question Good EMI for HONG Kong based Corporation?

    They work good with different amounts, volume of transaction for few months already.
  10. Mayon Solutions

    Question Good EMI for HONG Kong based Corporation?

    Their main company is based in HK. They provide a wide range of services for different jurisdictions, but yeah, they are very good for HK.
  11. Mayon Solutions

    Bank account or Emi

    A lot of street banks stopped onboarding corporate clients. Other street banks do not provide the service required for the business needs of the companies. High street banks have now a lot of compliance requirements even for low and medium-risk businesses and are really crazy when it comes to...
  12. Mayon Solutions

    Bank account or Emi

    I am experiencing a lot of issues with EU and UK banks even for the companies registered in the EEA that are not a subject of regulation and licensing.
  13. Mayon Solutions

    Bank account or Emi

    Wow, it must be a miracle if the accounts have been opened in reputable banks, not like Migom or similar.
  14. Mayon Solutions

    Tell me, do I need EE IBAN

    It depends on case: what type of account, what is the residence of the account holder, for what purposes the account is going to be used. There is a plant of EEA and other EMIs that provide a wide range of services for different kinds of needs.
  15. Mayon Solutions

    Best suited bank for a Seychelle company?

    There is a good chance to open an account with Paxum Inc Paxum. Pay with ease. They do onboard Seychelles IBC, however, proof of business address is required.