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Recent content by lili247

  1. L

    Tax optimization and lifestyle in 2025 for 8 figures wealth.

    He’s French, French people living in Monaco are taxed like French residents by France.
  2. L

    Does Swissquote allow 3rd party transfers?

    Quick question as I’ve never got a definitive answer, with Swissquote (CH), you can do 3rd party transfers (incoming/outgoing), or only in the name of the account holder ?
  3. L

    Tax Efficiency: UK Non-Resident LTD vs. Malta LTD?

    As a Maltese non-dom, the most logical way is to use 2 maltese companies and get taxed at 5% (fiscal unit) but it may be expensive regarding annual fees.
  4. L

    CARF / OTC Desks / Reportable transactions

    As far as I understand, under CARF, crypto exchanges will essentially have to report most crypto transactions. How is it going to work with OTC providers? For example, suppose I use Kraken OTC to swap some BTC for ETH. Instead of depositing the BTC into my Kraken account first, I use their...
  5. L

    Digital Nomad Perpetual Traveler + Apartment in Cyprus = tax ?

    Daniels, so what would you advise to him, the correct method would be to find a country with an advantageous DTA with his country, shengen, low taxes, and then take residency here ?
  6. L

    Digital Nomad Perpetual Traveler + Apartment in Cyprus = tax ?

    For ordinary residency it’s 183 days. For « the residence program », the 15k€ one, there is no stay requirement, just don’t spend more than 183 days in another country. If you want a tax residency certificate, looks like you could do it after 3 years, and it seems you need to prove that you...
  7. L

    Digital Nomad Perpetual Traveler + Apartment in Cyprus = tax ?

    You can be a tax resident non-dom in Malta without any presence requirement for a minimal tax of 15k€ per year with « the residence program ».
  8. L

    Crypto taxation, non-dom

    Has any non-dom foreigner in Cyprus ever had his crypto sales (remitted to a non Cypriot account) audited by the tax administration and had to pay the personal income tax on it ?
  9. L

    Malta 5% structure – reduce fixed cost and unshell (ATAD3) proof it

    Yes I’ve seen those criteria and indeed criteria 3 would not be fulfilled in that situation, however they say that the rules are not definitive : « If these criteria are not cumulatively met, the existence of professional securities trading cannot be ruled out. This assessment must be based on...
  10. L

    Malta 5% structure – reduce fixed cost and unshell (ATAD3) proof it

    @PhantomOf ThePits Regarding the « professional trader » issue in CH. Imagine someone who is tax resident in UAE, sells his business and everything he got, and buys some accumulating s&p ETF., basically has all his net worth in accumulating ETFs. Then the guy moves to CH. He does not trade...
  11. L

    Buy physical gold in CH - SoF

    Maybe I should have said safety deposit box and not vault, sorry for the confusion ;)
  12. L

    Buy physical gold in CH - SoF

    Keys, not sticker.
  13. L

    Buy physical gold in CH - SoF

    The goal is to store the bars in a vault in MY name, not shared.
  14. L

    Buy physical gold in CH - SoF

    Put it in a vault in the same building where the dealer is. Yes I was thinking of degussa. If they can still accept crypto directly, even better.