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Recent content by Lekstadt

  1. L

    Seeking Recommendations for Personal Bank Accounts in Serbia for Non-Residents

    As expected, I only asked just in case they happened to offer that possibility, because I really want to avoid traveling to North Macedonia. I actually found a Serbian bank with a competent support agent who kindly explained everything I needed to know. They just ask for the passport and the...
  2. L

    Seeking Recommendations for Personal Bank Accounts in Serbia for Non-Residents

    Does anyone know if any banks in North Macedonia support remote account opening, or is an in-person visit required? Additionally, can anyone clarify what happened in Serbia? It seems they used to allow non-residents to open accounts without any local ties, but that no longer appears to be the...
  3. L

    Seeking Recommendations for Personal Bank Accounts in Serbia for Non-Residents

    Any trustworthy Serbian law firms for this purpose? It would be great to get some recommendations. I don't think there's any on Resources here, but I might be wrong.
  4. L

    Seeking Recommendations for Personal Bank Accounts in Serbia for Non-Residents

    Yeah, that's not gonna happen, specially given the current situation in that area. Either way, all these banks seem a little sketchy to say the least, not gonna lie. Not because they're unregulated, but because whoever picks up the phone just says whatever they feel like. For example, Erste...
  5. L

    Seeking Recommendations for Personal Bank Accounts in Serbia for Non-Residents

    What about this post? Need offshore banking personal use for eu resident I did call Raiffeisen Bank and they mentioned that you need to have a work contract as a non-resident, which is what everyone said in this forum, but then there was that post from 2022 I posted the link to above. Any...
  6. L

    Seeking Recommendations for Personal Bank Accounts in Serbia for Non-Residents

    Hello everyone, I’ll have the opportunity to visit Belgrade soon, so I’m currently exploring options for opening personal bank accounts in Serbia as a non-resident and would appreciate any recommendations or insights you may have. If there’s already a comprehensive thread on Serbian banks, I’d...
  7. L

    Theoretical: Citizen by Birth, Alien by Law

    Hello everyone, today I had an epiphany when I woke up. It's probably a really stupid idea, yet it might be a practical approach for those who are looking to lighten the burden of the state on their shoulders given the right conditions. Let's talk about Johnny. Johnny lives in country A (A is...
  8. L

    FATCA Automatic Exchanges for Non-Resident LLCs: Current Rules and Upcoming Changes

    I am aware that FATCA and CRS are completely independent. When I talk about FinCen and the CTA, I refer to recent changes and how they keep tightening the grip when it comes to all the information they gather and might disclose, no matter how anonymous the LLC is. The question is: Would Mercury...
  9. L

    Adding a US member to a non-resident single-member Wyoming LLC (solely) for banking purposes

    Hi Forester, thank you for taking the time to read and respond to this thread. I will absolutely look into the ETBUS concept. When it comes to the LLC, I didn't go into detail earlier because adding a US person as a member was just one of the options I was considering, and no one had asked me...
  10. L

    FATCA Automatic Exchanges for Non-Resident LLCs: Current Rules and Upcoming Changes

    Thank you so much. Not sure how far I can disclose, but many people like me live in countries such as mine, which is uh... So (much) pain, if you know what I mean? I personally would never rely on a EMI not to report information either. The only reason I mentioned this is because if the CRS has...
  11. L

    FATCA Automatic Exchanges for Non-Resident LLCs: Current Rules and Upcoming Changes

    But were those accounts foreign bank accounts or EMIs? They always know everything local, of course. I have an European friend who lives in South West Europe and the tax agency didn't accept one of his accounts when trying to file taxes using some search feature they have. That probably means...
  12. L

    FATCA Automatic Exchanges for Non-Resident LLCs: Current Rules and Upcoming Changes

    I'm trying to get a clear understanding of how FATCA affects non-resident LLCs and their beneficial owners, especially regarding automatic exchanges of information between the U.S. and countries that have signed Intergovernmental Agreements (IGAs). I know personal accounts with over $10 in...
  13. L

    Adding a US member to a non-resident single-member Wyoming LLC (solely) for banking purposes

    My main idea was adding him, filing the BOI, trying to open a few business accounts I am interested in, removing him from the operating agreement as soon as possible and updating the BOI back to single member before generating any income. That way he shouldn't even have to report anything...
  14. L

    Adding a US member to a non-resident single-member Wyoming LLC (solely) for banking purposes

    Does having a US member automatically make the LLC managed from the US? Even as a member-managed LLC, I'd still be the main beneficial owner and CEO, a non-resident alien. As for using her address assuming she was down for it, using my name just wouldn't work. The banks don't just accept a US...
  15. L

    Adding a US member to a non-resident single-member Wyoming LLC (solely) for banking purposes

    The potential director/member is an American go-rogue living illegally in my country, so in theory, still a resident of the states, but I think he could potentially meet the criteria for bona fide residence. I don't want him to get in trouble though. These banks care about having a US...