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Recent content by kokunut

  1. kokunut

    A residence in Paraguay

    I don't think Paraguay is too popular, we had lot's of threads about it her while I searched for it I found it. Do you relocated to Paraguay ?
  2. kokunut

    Nominee Director for MSB in the USA

    There are good nominee services suggestions inside mentor group gold which you can get almost for free and you can take them off anytime you don't need them! are you providing nominees?
  3. kokunut

    Own Nothing, but Control Everything – A Concept That Can Change Your Life

    very good, but how to I get no control of the trust in the eyes of my home country?
  4. kokunut

    The Mentor Group Gold - Governments no longer accept this concept.

    thanks! I'm getting lots out of it for my business already. have the same like you.
  5. kokunut

    How on earth is EUSSR still standing?

    contradicting sentences, what's point ?
  6. kokunut

    Considering setting up an offshore company to legally optimize taxes

    my bad, I understand. So the country of choise has to be thinked about.
  7. kokunut

    DLS and Fred MIA

    very good review of their service, with that said I would love to see that guy Fred around here again.
  8. kokunut

    BAFIN in Germany / Jobcenter/Sozialamt/ Bundeszentralamt für Steuern

    the only real answer to stay out of the view of BARFIN & Co
  9. kokunut

    Considering setting up an offshore company to legally optimize taxes

    What you suggest is to move from Norway to Switzerland, stay there for a year or 2 and move to Monaco to finally avoid any taxation ?
  10. kokunut

    The Mentor Group Gold - Governments no longer accept this concept.

    Two days in and already a full on member, congrats on joining the crew!
  11. kokunut

    WTF is now wrong, all cryptos down?

    stats from 2022 - may not be valid any longer.
  12. kokunut

    Own Nothing, but Control Everything – A Concept That Can Change Your Life

    I would be very grateful if I could find someone to help create a structured plan for such a setup. I am already working with a Word document, copying and pasting all the key insights from the mentor group gold threads, and trying to piece it together into a strategic plan for my own use case.
  13. kokunut

    Mercury bank - 3% currency conversion fee

    What did it los ? and what 4 banks ?
  14. kokunut

    Jafo has passed away

    RIP Jafo I did not know you but sad to hear a legend died.
  15. kokunut

    Mercury bank - 3% currency conversion fee

    I received that email!