very very true, Spain just does it more openly and foolishly, whereas other EU countries at least try to be more discreet. The result, however, is the same.
I tried with many different EMI's to use a Regus and Clevver address without luck. I ended up using other methods to get an address for this purpose and installed a mail forwarding service so the mail goes from there to clevver.
Risk is they will force you to it, you have own property in all countries, difficult to explain you don't live there.
Digital Nomad is anyway living without property or owning anything that can tight you to a country. Someone confusing the term!
Thank you for your comment. I’m not inclined to give too much information about what I’m working on, but I don’t think it should be too hard to figure out, in my opinion.
It’s probably true that I could get it cheaper elsewhere, but this saves me a lot of hassle. I’d rather pay a little extra...