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Recent content by jayM

  1. jayM

    DLS and Fred MIA

    It's an unstable service until they get back here active I don't touch them. you must search the forum and want to open a new thread.
  2. jayM

    Delaware registered agency

    how much do you charge for a Delaware LLC - straight with registered office nothing else?
  3. jayM

    Trusted List of service providers, exclusive for Mentor Group Gold members!

    Why don't people read before they blame anyone :D
  4. jayM

    Has anyone heard of this payment merchant service provider?

    what a nice share, thanks alot for it.
  5. jayM

    Spain targets big spenders: New rules for high-value card payments coming in 2025

    very very true, Spain just does it more openly and foolishly, whereas other EU countries at least try to be more discreet. The result, however, is the same.
  6. jayM

    RelayFI us address

    abandoned houses etc. as discussed already in details in mentor group gold. Easy to setup actually.
  7. jayM

    Breaking News! The Battle for Truth: OffshoreCorpTalk vs Hamilton Reserve Bank

    Do you still have problems with this bank OCT ? I was wondering because it is almost one year since the thread was posted ca#"!
  8. jayM

    Possible to avoid CRS with USA setup?

    nice, short and clear, thanks.
  9. jayM

    RelayFI us address

    I tried with many different EMI's to use a Regus and Clevver address without luck. I ended up using other methods to get an address for this purpose and installed a mail forwarding service so the mail goes from there to clevver.
  10. jayM

    My Digital Nomad Guide in Small Details: Every Aspect on How to Plan It Right

    Risk is they will force you to it, you have own property in all countries, difficult to explain you don't live there. Digital Nomad is anyway living without property or owning anything that can tight you to a country. Someone confusing the term!
  11. jayM

    How to create the strongest anonymous offshore company?

    yeah would say the same, lot's of good information already in here.
  12. jayM

    RelayFI us address

    OMG he again, he talks so much trash this guy. The only one finding a solution is him self to fill his pockets.
  13. jayM

    Setting Up an Anonymous, Low-Cost Tax-Free Company Globally in 2024 with Minimal Compliance Requirements?

    Thank you for your comment. I’m not inclined to give too much information about what I’m working on, but I don’t think it should be too hard to figure out, in my opinion. It’s probably true that I could get it cheaper elsewhere, but this saves me a lot of hassle. I’d rather pay a little extra...