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  1. I

    HK or USA LLC for a bulgarian resident ?

    Thanks for sharing this ! It would be really interesting to know how does a company qualify as a holding company in Estonia. Is it still the OU or is it some other type? As I understand there is no dividend tax for this holding company for its Bulgarian company profits, but does the owner of...
  2. I

    HK or USA LLC for a bulgarian resident ?

    Thanks for reply, I understand that if Estonian legal entity owns the Bulgarian entity it is a very solid structure, maybe it does not even need a nominee for Bulgarian company or branch this way. I think Estonian authorities will have no need to question substance. What i dont understand is...
  3. I

    HK or USA LLC for a bulgarian resident ?

    Regarding creating substance in Bulgaria for Estonian resident owned company in Bulgaria. Would you recommend using a Bulgarian or some other nationality nominee director / or second nominee director in addition to Estonian resident who is the owner and director of the Bulgarian company.
  4. I

    HK or USA LLC for a bulgarian resident ?

    Ok clear and as I understand Bulgaria will not withold 5% on dividends knowing that company is owned by Estonian tax resident
  5. I

    HK or USA LLC for a bulgarian resident ?

    As I understand you mean your total tax will be 10% if you dont distribute profits to yourself from Estonian holding or branch? Because I think Estonia taxes both residents and e-residents on distribution of profits eventually.
  6. I

    HK or USA LLC for a bulgarian resident ?

    Do you guys know if a Bulgarian tax resident just receives monthly income from a third party US LLC that is not owned by him at all as a private contractor and client relationship (after signing w8 form in US) would that be taxed as 10% flat or would he be liable for any additional taxes.
  7. I

    HK or USA LLC for a bulgarian resident ?

    Thanks a lot for sharing this! I thought that the only risk is I would be told i owe more tax
  8. I

    HK or USA LLC for a bulgarian resident ?

    Thanks for reply, my idea was that Wyoming pass though LLC wont be treated as Bulgarian company for Bulgarian tax resident, but as i understand they will enforce same rules as on Bulgarian company. I spoke to Bulgarian attorney first he said as well 15% in total and then followed up that if i...
  9. I

    HK or USA LLC for a bulgarian resident ?

    I was told by someone that pass though LLC in Bulgaria could be taxed at 5% (dividend tax) if paid out as dividends not monthly income (which would be 10% as i understand). Would be great to hear if anyone has experience with that.
  10. I

    Tax-Optimization Strategies for Czech s.r.o.

    Do you guys have any good companies to recommend for establishing CZ OSVC, i spoke to this one here http://pexpats.com/ They offer completely remote service with remote housing registration, to establish CZ residency. But i am not sure how legit the company is they run ads on Facebook. They...
  11. I

    A residence in Paraguay

    Can someone explain why cant you keep your existing banking with PY residency?