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Recent content by ikan

  1. ikan

    Is this Valid Set Up to Trick CRS/AEOI or Dumb ?

    @ Mercury : good, good advise. I was too busy with higher priorities the last months to face "beeing threated firmly by bank". @ Daniels 27 : " "hey probably already reported to the authorities". No, not yet, too early ... They haven't yet done in my case, or in this juridiction. @ W Wish...
  2. ikan

    Armenia remote citizenship in 3 years?

    The guy Anderson from Nomad Capitalist : did a video and/or published an article about OP main questions . " About the exams and the Constitution you can be assisted/represented by a third local person " - LOL ! - If my memory isn't wrong ?
  3. ikan

    Is this Valid Set Up to Trick CRS/AEOI or Dumb ?

    I hold for years a "quiet" or "almost dormant" account in one onshroe jurdiction, now newly CRS this year 2025. The bank never asked me much, and account was open with a passport not any more valid and out of date due renewable passoport with new number of identification. Lately they asked to...
  4. ikan

    Can't provide proof of origin?

    I am afraid Daniels27. That does already belongs to the Past. Germany used to be kinda Cash transaction Heaven in Europe !!! See how things moove quick here : new EU regs. under implentation for all states.. 1) Maximum cash payement 10.000 euros, no matter why, who, when, how. 2) Each state is...
  5. ikan

    Tax optimization and lifestyle in 2025 for 8 figures wealth.

    @toums Acquiring/obtaining a second citizenship, than, with this second passport settling your new tax residence in Monaco ? That will open you some gates for your strategies and projects. All french know it : Monaco is safe all the way, tax and politicaly stable, banks are good and reliable...
  6. ikan

    Can't provide proof of origin?

    You make me happy for Kadinger. Then I was mostly wrong on my previous post. I'am happy to learn Germany is kinda Tax Free Zone for Btn capital gains. For how long ? Tax regs. can change pretty fast in Western EU. Never for the good ! More and more often with retro-actions. Stupid question ...
  7. ikan

    Can't provide proof of origin?

    Kadinger, obvously you are still young and not experienced with your tax home country. 1) be very precaucious with your lawyer 2) for the tax man you are faudulent, no matter your SOF. 3) your lawyer could blackmail you. Even report you ! 4) you did not declare any income taxe, neither your...
  8. ikan

    Clarification on CRS Reporting Thresholds

    On one hand, CRS is live and it's literrature is on the table. On the other hand : banks and emis softwares do the report. JackAlabam is 100% right : you can never be sure what they are doing. From my point of vue : it is all gambling. Over the last years : it was here so many testimonials of...
  9. ikan

    Seeking opinions / Reduce 500 ke inheritance tax

    Thank's to all for your contributions. Some are strugling for soltutions. .. Even a bit of anger or some bad emotions /Tax/tax/tax ! I may understand some of the contributors are not so knowledable with Western Europe ties and tax system. We can't relocate the company. Anyhow profits on the...
  10. ikan

    Seeking opinions / Reduce 500 ke inheritance tax

    Thank you Daniels27 for your visions. Moving to another country with no heritance tax can be a goal. We have some discussions about it. As well as property abroad, as mentionned earlier here. Switzerland isn't the good one for a relocation. Local real estate companies SCI are fake dreams to...
  11. ikan

    Can't provide proof of origin?

    Depending the type of cases I don't always trust lawyers. Your are young. Lawyers do promises... Speak well... know all...drives you in confidence... to get some of your money for their living... .... Be precaucious, do not always trust them.... I bet you will find better trust and advices in...
  12. ikan

    Seeking opinions / Reduce 500 ke inheritance tax

    Thank's all for your kind attention about my keyboard. He's working realy fine on sundays... Most likely my brain is wrong on sundays ? 100 ke = 100.000 euros or ke = k€ Yes Nomado great input. Thank's for that. I still...
  13. ikan

    Can't provide proof of origin?

    •••• your question : Now I would like to sell some BTC and put it into real estate and have no idea how to do that••• 1) In Bali, few real Estate Agencies accept BTC to purchase real estate, in accordanxe with the Notary. 2) as far I am not wrong : Turkey allow to buy real estae in BTC. It is a...
  14. ikan

    Seeking opinions / Reduce 500 ke inheritance tax

    Hi all, Looking for legal steps to avoid or reduce 500 Keuros inheritance tax in western EU. Me and my 85 years old mother still in good shape (both eu citizen and tax resident) are closing down our professional real estate company. We are 'happy' to pay on first step 1.000.000 euros taxes (2...
  15. ikan

    What bank from serbia have low or zero fee for euro accounts ?

    I'm geting away from OP question. Those 2 banks and Serbia juridiction : No Crs, no AEOI as off 2025 ? Doe anyone can confirm no Crs ? Thank's