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Recent content by iamyourboss61

  1. iamyourboss61

    NHR program from a company abroad

    That's interesting. Thanks! Also checking Madeira option which has 5% if i understood. Hey, can we get in touch? I don't see an option to send you a message through the website. Can you try sending me one? Thanks, interesting option as well! Have you checked the Romania micro company option...
  2. iamyourboss61

    NHR program from a company abroad

    Thanks for the input! 2. I can manage it in such a way not to become taxable anywhere else. That's no problem for me. 3. What are you expecting to pay if you will choose the Portugal option?
  3. iamyourboss61

    NHR program from a company abroad

    Hello again, I would love your input on the NHR program, because I am confused by the different information on different sources. I am currently a citizen of Belgium. I am willing to move to become a Portugal tax resident and enjoy the NHR program. I have a self-employed activity now (I don't...
  4. iamyourboss61

    Belgium resident + Micro SRL in Romania

    I am trying to spend on both :) indeed, everything is clear now Thanks, everyone!
  5. iamyourboss61

    Belgium resident + Micro SRL in Romania

    Actually, that brought me an idea: What if I don't receive a payment from my customer on a monthly basis, but on a half a year basis (my customer is flexible about that). I go for a month to Romania, I do the work from there for that customer and receive the payment for the whole half a year...
  6. iamyourboss61

    Belgium resident + Micro SRL in Romania

    Thanks! 1. I will check try to google it deeper. I was talking to who i thought specialists and that was based from what they told me. I am not saying that they are right or wrong, but based on this was my initial assumption. 2. If that's the case with Belgium/Romania then it will not work now...
  7. iamyourboss61

    Belgium resident + Micro SRL in Romania

    Thanks, will check it out next!
  8. iamyourboss61

    Belgium resident + Micro SRL in Romania

    Thanks for bringing it up to my attention (no sarcasm). It seems like you are tired of repeating yourself and hearing people thinking that they can so easily avoid taxes, by just simply opening a company abroad. Beacuse of your frustration the way you reply creates a feeling that instead of...
  9. iamyourboss61

    Belgium resident + Micro SRL in Romania

    I am providing software consulting and web devleopment outsourcing
  10. iamyourboss61

    Belgium resident + Micro SRL in Romania

    First of all, I didn't say anything about easy. If you will read my original thread you will see I clearly stated the situation and the plans and asked for opinions. I consulted some accountants and all said that as long as it's dealing with international customers and as long I don't take...
  11. iamyourboss61

    Belgium resident + Micro SRL in Romania

    Relocating was the plan. For now I would like to open a company to collect international income on it and then relocate once I am ready.
  12. iamyourboss61

    Belgium resident + Micro SRL in Romania

    You don't need a director in Romania and there's no problem opening a bank account for me. These things are not an issue.
  13. iamyourboss61

    Belgium resident + Micro SRL in Romania

    No, I just have a self-employed activity in Belgium. Customers are from: Dubai, Hong Kong, Hungary, Switzerland In couple of years (depending on some matters here) I do plan to move to Eastern Europe for a long time. I understand the option of having it on someone's name, but if possible i...
  14. iamyourboss61

    Belgium resident + Micro SRL in Romania

    In any case, from what I understand that the worst thing that can happen is that the company will be considered a Belgian tax resident and I will just have to pay a Belgian corporate tax. In that case, I will be aware of that and won't repeat it the next year. Right?
  15. iamyourboss61

    Belgium resident + Micro SRL in Romania

    I see! Thanks! It is not a trading company, but a company providing services to customers abroad (not in Belgium). My Belgian customers I will still charge through my Belgian business activity. The only connection that I have to Belgium is my Belgian residency. From a quick search I found that...