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Recent content by hiju

  1. hiju

    What to Do with $1 Million and Overcome Daily Boredom

    You could enter into some sort of property investment. I'm looking for such because I have also some money sitting in my crypto wallet doing nothing there. Bitcoin and other coins are to volatile for my risk appetite.
  2. hiju

    Group buy property investment, possible ?

    I would like to know if there is actually a way to join a group investment to invest in real estate, for example, in Dubai or other lucrative locations, where these investments can provide a reasonable annual return. Ideally, this should be through crypto investments and not fiat money or...
  3. hiju

    Advcash / Volet update (not looking good).

    how can you still have money in there with them after you wrote this ?
  4. hiju

    Gibraltar company

    I can't find the user @consil in this thread ?
  5. hiju

    From Upwork gains to crypto world

    I can't confirm that but it's worth reaching out to Wise and ask if or if not it's possible.
  6. hiju

    Switzerland has no extradition agreement with some of the EU / European countries!

    Now, I happen to know what you do, and it's cool to have you here - but I think it doesn't matter where you go. With that background and job, I get why you say that, and you must be scared all the time... but I still like you anyway ki#¤%
  7. hiju

    Boost Your Security with Our New Sponsor: Sword and Shield!

    I hope you guys sign up a bunch more main sponsors and Lifetime members to make OCT bigger and better. With plenty of cash in the bank, I could suggest a bunch of ideas to make OCT unbeatable.
  8. hiju

    Buy crypto anonymous, how to do that?

    how would you do that?
  9. hiju

    Buy crypto anonymous, how to do that?

    I have found quite a few threads here on OCT that partially describe how to buy crypto anonymously, but there are no concrete suggestions on how to do it! Does anyone have links, names, or anything else that can lead me to find a way to buy cryptos anonymously? I am primarily looking for...
  10. hiju

    Advcash / Volet update (not looking good).

    Any uopdate on AdvCash are they going belly up and do a Houdini with out money if any left on the account?
  11. hiju

    Why is it that the price of gold has been shooting up so drastically over the last few days?

    Gold has been very volatile over the last months with jumps above 80€ at a time! Now it is back above 2200 euro / ounce.
  12. hiju

    What happens if you don't register for VAT in Dubai?

    Does this allow you to avoid charge VAT for your services sold outside UAE ?
  13. hiju

    Binance Guide – Everything You Need to Know Before Signing Up

    Binance has never worked well for me, I prefer kraken over most.
  14. hiju

    company incorporation and accounting hk

    Don't all EU citizens have a passport? Sounds strange if not!