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Recent content by FildaK

  1. FildaK

    Question Atlos.io - crypto payment gateway?

    @ecool are you looking for Crypto to crypto or fiat to crypto?
  2. FildaK

    Payment Processor

    Paddle: Pros: Acts as a Merchant of Record (MoR), reducing your compliance burden. Supports recurring billing and subscriptions. Cons: Slightly higher fees due to the MoR model. PayPal (Standard or Subscriptions): Pros: Easy setup, no immediate need for a full-blown business registration for...
  3. FildaK

    Payment Processor

    What is the business model you will be covering ?
  4. FildaK

    Best MCCs for High-Risk Merchant Accounts

    I would say digital good 5818, Collectibles, quasi cash trx- 6051.
  5. FildaK

    Question Atlos.io - crypto payment gateway?

    Lot's of these processors also offer white-label solution. And I would also advice to try to reach them via TG or LinedIn if they are non responsive.
  6. FildaK

    URGENT: $1m/month looking for high-risk EU payment processing for ecom/nutra

    I think it would be a good idea to try to go for some Fiat on ramps. You will not be able to put them through a cascading system but I think you can achieve such 70% acceptance rate.
  7. FildaK

    Is there a payment processor converting client card payments to crypto?

    I can share example of experience of my customer with stripe. They set-up the account. really Fats. Fastest amongs any provider. But once they ramped up to 100K volume Stripe asked several questions and they got as strickt as others and closed the account. The fastest way is not always the best...
  8. FildaK

    New here, got Fiat card processing with crypto payouts company

    Hey all, happy to be here. I was recomended to join to this forum by my clients who said there is a lot of companies struggling with looking for high risk proccesing company. :)
  9. FildaK

    Hey, are you still looking for high risk processing?

    Hey, are you still looking for high risk processing?