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Recent content by exprtadvisrdev

  1. exprtadvisrdev

    DeFi platform begs hackers to return $600 million in stolen crypto

    Not gonna lie, it's funny that DeFi is all about f**k the government and the authority but then they say "Law enforcement in any country will regard this as a major economic crime and you will be pursued" rof/%rof/%rof/% c'mon the money is lost, they just need to stop crying and move on
  2. exprtadvisrdev

    After few good years, EMI (do not want to publicly display the name of the bank) suddenly ask for a document that does not exist

    You're completely wrong and it's possible that someone informed you in a wrong way. I have a couple of US businesses that none of them do business with US business and I have never put a feet in the country and all of them have their own EIN and bank accounts, you need (and not only need) you...
  3. exprtadvisrdev

    Question The joys of setting up a BVI Co and then getting a bank account

    They don't (or at least that was what they told me some moths ago)
  4. exprtadvisrdev

    Question The joys of setting up a BVI Co and then getting a bank account

    without traveling and without a couple of hundreds of thousands you wont be able to get an account in a real bank. Try with EMIs first and once you have got reputation and money try again with banks. Bankera accepts crypto related business, asked them if they accept BVI business
  5. exprtadvisrdev

    Risks of principal place of business in other state than LLC's

    if you set the "principal place of business" in another state then you need to register your LLC as a foreign LLC in that state and comply with their law. Now if you always mention the address where it's registered (NM) and you only use the other address internally (like receiving stuff there...
  6. exprtadvisrdev

    Booom cryptoland is crashing!

    that's why being the middleman is so fucking profitable, owning a casino or a crypto exchange is a gold mine
  7. exprtadvisrdev

    I need help with this

    Or use the api from the payment processor and do everything in the backend and the user never leaves your page. I already said what is the best way to do it.
  8. exprtadvisrdev

    What documents I need to open a Business Account em BofA for SM Foreign Onwer Delaware LLC?

    It was last year when I got the personal one (I paid on November and got the account in December) and paid the corporate one this year. Total spent was 5k plus $100 to send each debit card to where I was. So far it's been working OK but I still don't keep too much money there, I've been using...
  9. exprtadvisrdev

    What documents I need to open a Business Account em BofA for SM Foreign Onwer Delaware LLC?

    I got my BofA account (both personal and for my business) without going to the US. I paid a service for it so that's why I think they were "introducers" because my accounts are under my control and they don't have access to them
  10. exprtadvisrdev

    White label bank

    You came a decade late buddy
  11. exprtadvisrdev

    FREELANCE PERMITS in Dubai,UAE license cost details and provider

    He is trolling, he's not going to do/open anything in the UAE
  12. exprtadvisrdev

    Operating agreement in NM

    If you want to open accounts with real banks in the US it's highly recommended to have one
  13. exprtadvisrdev

    BitcoinPaperWallet lost money ( 124.85 BTC appear to have been swept from wallets generated by the website.)

    It reminds me this kind of suggestions rof/% Got my Ledger cryptosteel what do you think?